Excellence Secrets discovered for the first time with the advanced trainer Mohammed Azzam alQasim and with the participation of the advanced trainer Ahmed Kheir alSaadi with ...
Syria - Damascus: Excellence Secrets discovered for the first time with the advanced trainer Mohammed Azzam al-Qasim

Excellence Secrets discovered for the first time with the advanced trainer Mohammed Azzam alQasim and with the participation of the advanced trainer Ahmed Kheir alSaadi with ...
Syria - Damascus: Excellence Secrets discovered for the first time with the advanced trainer Mohammed Azzam al-Qasim

Trainer Hisham Zaki provided the administrative correspondence skills course for a large group of employees of the National Bank staff of internal auditing branches investment...
Qatar – Doha: Closure of the administrative correspondence skills course for trainer Hisham Zaki

By using the accelerated learning techniques in learning designing the training system the trainees played the Paradise Restaurant in which the trainer asked the travelers to ...
Learning Kitchen

The training is summarized by: reading a question in order for the learners to race to the wall for getting the right answer.
The Revision Race

This game depends on the dice and a group of stations distributed in a shape of square these stations contains questions that vary in difficulty the trainee stands behind the ...

The activities of the course has been excellence for the frequent movement of the trainees where the trainers rarely sat on their seats and any visitor to the hall could clear...
Movement, movement, movement

The travelers played to role of two countries that share the knowledge at Top of Learning each team receives search materials and then negotiate for the information that the o...
Tug of War

This course has been distinguished by breaking the records of the training rounds for every trainee presented about fifteen training presentations in front of at least five re...
The troopers Trip in Training Forest

The trainer asked five trainees to choose balls with the same color for each trainee from the basket then to throw them on other trainees in the hall to make a group and wit...
Speech conclusion

Our original and even imported training system might be full of many educational lapses or obstacles so how these obstacles were searched for after dividing the troopers into ...
The Forest Diseases

Trainer Ghada Larum addressed the trainees with a request to write an objective of their own training objectives within their daily rounds and to write it down on the balls ex...