Using the accelerated learning techniques in learning designing the training system the troopers played the Paradise Restaurant in which the trainer asked the troopers to choo...
Designing the training system

The training summarized by: reading a question in order for the trainers to race to the wall for getting the right answer.
The Revision Race

The activities of the course has been excellence for the frequent movement of the trainees where they rarely sat on their seats and any visitor to the hall could clearly see t...
Movement, movement, movement

Urgent landing on ocean Fortunately after a while of taking off a sound came out again we welcome you were now flying on feet high and the temperature outside is less than mi...
Landing on ocean

The travelers played the role of two countries that share the knowledge on the top of learning each team receives research materials and then they negotiate for the informatio...
Tug war

This game depends on the dice and several stations distributed in a shape of square these stations contains questions differ in difficulty the trainer stands on the start stat...
The monopoly

By using the accelerated learning techniques in learning the training system designing the trainees played the Paradise Cafeteria in which the trainer asked the travelers to p...
Learning Kitchen

There are three questioning stations which are apple questioning station corn questioning station and fish questioning station The trainees get divided into groups and a train...
Learning Stations

Pirates and Experts Because both teams scores are tied the pirates and experts game had been agreed to be played in which the travelers played the role of two teams that sha...
Khartoum Trainer course – pirates and experts

Revision Race: The exercise is summarized by: when the question is read, the trainees start racing to the wall in order to get the right answer for that question.
Khartoum Trainer course – revision race exercise

Pharmacy Designing training system by using accelerated learning techniques in learning designing the training system the trainees played the Paradise Pharmacy game in whi...
Khartoum Trainer Course – Training Pharmacy.

Blooms Cognitive Domain Trainer Jawaher Al Mani asked the trainees each to get a pen and change each places then she narrated the story of Captain Jim who is within the course...