Critical Speech Guidelines Fishing Trainer Ghada Larum started with a drama scene about an argument between two of the trainees in which the first trainee directed a grave col...
Doha – Fishing Critical Speech Guidelines Fish

Speech Introduction (flying framework) The trainer began by presenting the speech introduction by distributing wet scented towels to the trainees and asked them to use the tow...
Doha – Rhetoric Introduction (flying framework)

A Good Objective Components and Aiming the Balls towards the GoalThe trainer asked the trainees to write only one objective of their training objectives in their daily tours o...
Doha – Good Objective Components

Speech Conclusion on a Clothesline Trainer Ghada Larum presented the speech conclusion after revising the introduction and the body of the speech and she began explaining the ...
Doha – Speech Conclusion on Clothesline

Revision Race Exercise: The exercise is summarized by: when the question is read, the trainees start racing to the wall in order to get the right answer for that question.
Meknes 2011 – Revision Race Exercise

Mekness Monopoly This game depends on the dice and several stations distributed in a shape of square these stations contain questions differ in difficulty the trainer stands o...
Meknes 2011 – The Monopoly

Move Move Move The course activities are distinguished with the trainees continues movement in which the trainees rarely sat on their chairs and any visitor to the hall can no...
Meknes 2011 – Move, Move, Move

Photos: Exercises and activities of the training workshop held in Qatar-Doha from / 24/ January to/ 4/ February, 2009.
Qatar- Doha: Some of the Training Workshop Exercises

The Training course activities have come to an end on Wednesday afternoon The course was held at Millennium Hotel in Qatar Doha under the sponsorship of Youth General Administ...
Qatar – Doha: Training course conclusion

Illaftrain Accredited trainers course is sponsored by Youth General Administration and supervised by Doha Youth Center in cooperation with Illaftrain Institution Dubai Center ...
The continuation of ICT at Millennium Hotel

An ICT was launched on Saturday at Millennium Hotel under the sponsorship of Doha Youth Center with cooperation of ILLAFTrain Center and Dubai Accelerated Learning Center The ...
ICT - Doha - 24/1 - 4/2

On Thursday 28/2/2008, the trainees went to Salaheddin citadel to see this spectacular place and its wonderful surrounding nature and that's after a long week of training