Certified Trainer
Course id: TOT
Duration: 6 Days
This program will show you what the expert trainers do to create the perfect learning environment, increase healthy competition, use imagination, transfer skills to the workplace, increase pleasure in the classroom and deal with difficult learners, etc…
It also provides you with many new creative ideas; in fact, it focuses on your practice and receipt of feedback, since you will leave us possessing many skills that you can directly use to become a professional trainer. The spirit of this program is “how to become a professional trainer, an inspiring facilitator and brilliant speaker”.
This program is directed at trainers, teachers, facilitators, training managers, training designers and persons who previously attended courses for train of trainers and who want to develop their training skills and enhance them, learn how to become professional learning facilitators and master their own presentation and exercising skills.
At the end of this training program, each learner will be able to:
- Apply the foundations of Accelerated Learning.
- Apply adult learning principles.
- Write the learning objectives using Bloom's Taxonomy.
- Formulate training benefits.
- Begin the course with high influence using McClelland's theory.
- Attract the attention and interest of participants.
- Choose the learning techniques and present them.
- Deliver presentations and use learning contracts.
- Use similes and metaphors.
- Distinguish between the responsibilities of the moral speaker and listener.
- Develop friendly distinctive relations with learners.
- Handle the tension resulting from work and prevent fatigue.
- Develop activities and exercises using Accelerated Learning techniques.
- Obtain feedback and present it during the progress of the learner in the learning process.
- Summarize the training and enhance its transfer to practice.
- Employ effective speaking skills.
- Apply the non-verbal communication principles.
- Interpret non-verbal messages.
- Develop gestures.
- Employ non-verbal expression techniques.
- Build familiarity with learners.
- Distinguish between the listening skills.
- Motivate the learners.
- Enhance participation and cooperation in learning.
- Use the group learning activities.
- Ask and answer questions appropriately.
- Handle wisely the learners’ problems and other cases.
- Deal with his tension and control it.
- Analyze his learning style according to Kolb.
- Distinguish between the basic capacities of each learning style.
- Modify his learning style when necessary.
- Lead the groups and their discussions skillfully.
- Keep the group in a healthy state.
- Manage the class time effectively.
- Deal with resistance.
- Prevent the emergence of problems.
- Deal with difficult learners.
How to build exceptional familiarity with learners and maintain it.
Five techniques for efficient listening.
How to increase the learner’s self-confidence and self-appreciation.
Simple techniques to increase participation and cooperation.
How to encourage participants to ask questions.
Creating a fun learning environment.
More than twenty ice-breaking techniques.
Eight main reasons for the courses’ failure.
Four basic factors to motivate learners.
More than twenty techniques that help to motivate learners.
Secrets of developing influential learning frameworks.
How to meet the learners’ needs professionally.
Creating healthy discussions among learners.
How do breaks contribute to learning.
Learning Process
The seven foundations of Accelerated Learning.
The four-phase natural learning cycle.
The seven principles of Adult Learning.
The seven-step learning strategy.
How to link learners to learning before the beginning of the program.
The items that must be included in the learning contract.
Sixteen classifications that help you writing the learning objective professionally.
Attracting the learners’ attention using McClelland's theory.
The four components of the objectives.
Guidelines to writing the learning objectives.
Techniques to provide the benefits of the learner.
How to create the connectivity phase.
Simple technique to identify the course’s content.
Twelve advanced techniques to deliver lectures smoothly.
More than thirty presentation techniques.
More than twenty exercising techniques.
The three components of the exercising process.
Important advice to ensure good practice for the learner.
How to provide feedback for learners.
Important guidelines for providing summaries and reviews.
Components of the integration phase.
Twelve basic points to enhance the use of the new skills at work.
How to help learners to write a work plan to enhance learning.
Three steps to organizing an influential conclusion.
Trainer Leader
The basic characteristics of the course’s leader.
What to do if you do not know how to answer a question.
Leading the discussion in the classroom.
More than ten tips for managing class time.
A professional technique to start the course properly.
The learners’ styles according to Kolb and how to deal with them.
The flexibility secret in meeting learning styles.
The most important strategies needed to strengthen and develop the learning style skills.
Twenty tips for dealing with the trainer’s anxiety.
The most important factors in enhancing your credibility and professionalism.
The most important techniques for dealing with fatigue.
Fifteen standards for self-assessment.
How to ask questions.
Important guidelines to build the speaker’s confidence.
The basic principles for speaking.
The non-verbal communication principles and how to benefit from them.
Nearly forty skills in speaking to learners.
The seven responsibilities of the moral speaker.
The vocal speaking components.
Techniques to improve your voice effect.
How to benefit from your voice speed and pauses.
Techniques to improve your body language effect.
Using gestures to enhance the message.
How to use your appearance in front of learners.
Ten important tips for visual communication.
Important Training Issues
Excellent techniques for dealing with groups.
The common problems that face new trainers and how to overcome them.
The four phases of group development.
Creating activities that motivate small groups.
Determining the groups’ verbal behavior and how to deal with it.
Interpreting non-verbal expressions.
Negative styles by trainees.
How to manage the dialogue with the trainees.
Negotiation skills.
Three strategies for dealing with learners’ resistance.