Leadership and Influence
Course id: 131
Duration: 3 days/ 4 H per day
They say that leaders are born, not made. While it is true that some people are born leaders, some leaders are born in the midst of adversity. Often, simple people who have never had a leadership role will stand up and take the lead when a situation they care about requires it.
Leadership is not telling others what to do. Leadership is inspiring others to do what needs to be done
People in supervisory, middle and management roles
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Define "leadership"
- Explaint the Great Man Theory
- Explan the Trait Theory
- Understand Transformational Leadership
- Understand the people you lead and how to adapt your leadership style
- Explain leading by directing, coaching, participating and delegating
- Establish personal goals
- Create an action plan
Day One:
Introduction, course objectives and expectations
The Evolution of Leadership
- Defining leadership
- characteristics of a aleader
Situational Leadership
- Telling, Selling, Participating, Delegating
- A Personal Inventory
- Creating a Personal Inventory
- Creating an Action Plan
Day Two:
Modeling the Way
- Determinig the Way
- Being an Inspirational Role Model
- Influencing Other\'s Perspectives
Inspiring a Shared Vision
- Choosing the Vision
- Commkunicating the Vision
- Identifying the Benefits for Others
Challenging the Process
- Think Outside the Box
- Developing Your Inner Innovator
- Seeing Room for Improvement
- Lobbying for Changing
Enabling Others to Act
- Encouraging Growth in others
- Creating Mutual Respect
- The Importance of Trust
Day Three:
Encouraging the Heart
- Sharing Rewards
- Celebrating Accomplishments
- Making Celebration Part of Your Culture
Basic Influencing Skills
- The Art of Persuasion
- The Principles of Influence
- Creating an Impact
Setting Goals
- Setting SMART Goals
- Creating a long-term plan
- Creating a Support System
Team Presentation, wrapping up and closing