Negotiation Skills

Course id: 5205
Duration: 5 Day/ 5 H per day


There are basic principles that can be learnt and, when combined with a process, will guide the delegate and the target through a logical progression towards a result that is acceptable to both parties.

Speed and quality of implementation are what really count. This course examines the elements of successful negotiation as applied by recognized negotiators and uses role play using actual situations supplied by the candidates to demonstrate them.

If required simulations can be written and the role play filmed with personal DVDs provided to each delegate.




All buyers, staff and managers who negotiate internally and externally as part of their duties


At the end of this course, the participants should be able to:

· To examine the skills we need to negotiate the best outcome possible on any given day.

· To examine the principles of successful negotiation.

· To discuss how successful negotiators negotiate.

· To discover the three stages of any negotiation.

· To look at the salient points of each stage

· To learn the five Cardinal Points of negotiation

· To apply the Process to all negotiations

· To use what we have learned and apply in role play


The five Cardinal Points to any negotiation
The three stages to negotiations

·  Preparation:

·  How to establish your and their Negotiating Position: Set values of range – ideal through to acceptable; Set bottom line – negotiable vs non-negotiable; and Strengths & Weaknesses theirs/yours

·  Determine your Approach

·  Make the Location work for you

·  How to explore their position before they sit at the table

Face –to-Face Negotiation

·  The Illusion of Control

·  Win/Win Matrix – my interests are your interests

·  Set the scene/tone to help you

·  Agree the agenda – tips to get what you want

·  Get them to agree on your analysis of the situation

·  Know the value of every one of your points

·  Know how to justify all of your positions

·  Analyse/minimise the gap

·  Keep it moving – isolate and come back to obstacles

·  Body Language – cultivate your own and how to interpret theirs

·  How and when to use the weapon of silence

·  How to keep your front united

·  Ways of resolving differences and conflict

·  Summarise – what has been negotiated, time frames and who will implement.

Follow up

· What written record will you provide to avoid misunderstanding

· How will you measure success - progress points/way points

· How/ when will implementation take place

· Who else needs to be involve - debrief team and implementers

· Quiz – Are you a good Negotiator?

· Role Plays – actual negotiation simulations provided by the client – filmed, critiqued and personal DVDs provided to delegates.
