Oil Spill Management / Senior Managers or Administrators
Course id: 8220
Duration: 3 days/ 4 H Per Day
The course focuses on the theoretical aspects of spill response although there are a few practical hands-on exercises. The emphasis is on the decision making, training, and coordination of a crisis management team. The scenarios and exercises give opportunity for the set-up of a crisis management team and how to manage public, media, and/or government communications.
This course is for individuals who have a managerial role in an oil spill response operation and is especially geared towards Senior Managers or administrators. These will be staff that may have little oil spill response experience but they will be associated with emergency response and may have a responsibility for ensuring that the appropriate resources and teams are available within the companyor government authority
This course covers the issues during a major oil spill response operation including the roles and responsibilities of the various response teams. The focus is on the crisis management at companyor local/national government level.
· Oil spill accidents
· Oil and chemical pollution
· Fate and effects of oil and chemicals at sea
· Environmental impacts and modeling
· Oil spill response strategies and techniques
· Dispersant use
· Spill assessment along the coast/protection of sensitive areas
· Sensitivity mapping
· Shoreline response
· Safety and health during operations
· Transfer, storage and disposal of waste
· Telecommunications•When to terminate the response?
· Contingency planning and response management
· Notification of government authorities
· Management and coordination of response teams
· Operations planning, logistics and communication
· International and national legal framework
· Liability and compensation after a spill
· Crisis management and decision making
· Public and media relations including press releases
· Table top exercises and case histories