The Art of Selling
Course id: 9965
Duration: 5 Days,8 H per day
In a fast paced business and fiercely competitive world, only professionals solidly maintain and retain this position in the market while others give in. Staying in business equals revenues, and your sales force is the fuel to keep you going. Sharpening their skills has become a need, not a luxury.
Sales representatives, Sales team leaders and who work in sales business
At the end of this training program, participants will be able to:
- Recognize the importance of the Problem solution provider role vs. salesperson
- Use effective sales opening and closing techniques
- Sell by asking not telling
- Handles objections professionally
Day One:
1. Introduction
2. Recognizing the difference between a salesperson and a solution provider
3. Identifying customer value creating
• Outside-In
• Inside-Out
4. Identifying types of customers – VAK
5. A new perspective … You in the Shoes of your client
6. Group Activity
7. Improving your communication skills
• The 5 loyal servants … Your senses … Utilize them
8. Review
Day 2:
1. Review and Discussion
2. How to plan a pre-sales call
3. Learn and implement effective selling strategies and solve your customer’s problems creatively
4. How to turn your customers’ problems into business opportunities
5. Know your Customer
6. Know your products and services and sell with confidence
7. Group Activities
8. Review
Day 3:
1. Review and Discussion
2. Understand and implement the “Sell yourself, Sell your company and Sell the Sizzle” approach
3. What is AIDA
4. Understand the 3 components of selling process
5. Follow up and stay in touch
6. How to listen effectively and identify unsatisfied needs … Ignite the need
7. Group Activities ( selling company products/services using the skills and techniques acquired)
8. Review
Day 4:
1. Review and Discussion
2. Identify and achieve the three elements of Inner Sales Excellence
3. Identify and achieve the 4 elements of Outer Sales excellence
4. How to build a long-term relationship and create a balance between taking and giving
5. Principles of Effective Negotiation
6. Learn and apply 10 effective closing techniques
• “No” is an opportunity towards flexibility
7. Learn and apply effective leading phrases
8. Review
Day 5:
1. Review and Discussion
2. End of program – Final Individual Presentations using the accumulated skills and techniques acquired.