Writing Training Material & Manuals
Course id: WTM
Duration: 3 Days
This program considers many contents related generally to learning, in addition to the design of the manuals and supporting material. The content includes the use of appropriate models of manuals, exercises, flyers and slides. Through this program, we will focus in particular on meeting your needs in preparing the manuals and material that will be used by others as well. Moreover, this program is very practical as it provides learners the necessary time for the practice process and receiving the feedback from their colleagues and from the trainer.
This program is directed at managers, group leaders and expert trainers; in fact, it is dedicated to any person aiming at being able to write training manuals and design supporting material.
At the end of the program, the participant will be able to:
- Distinguish the best method of Adult Learning.
- Apply the various learning styles for learners.
- Understand the different learning mechanisms and when to use each of them for compatibility, and the various learning styles of each learner.
- Combine the learning objectives to correspond with learners’ needs.
- Use the appropriate models to prepare the manuals and supporting material.
- Prepare a detailed summary before designing the manual.
- Use the various media means that help in designing an effective learning program.
- Design the programs in manuals, in addition to understanding how to prepare the training material.
Designing Materials Corresponding to Adult Learning
How adults learn.
Realizing the existence of different learning styles, and the need to change the learning design and material to meet these needs.
Considering some of the theories of learning development.
Creating a positive environment for training.
Understanding the methods of delivering training.
Exploring the pros and cons of different learning methods.
How to establish group discussions, practical explanation, lectures and experimental learning methods, while proving that each one is linked to the various learning methods.
How to prepare the objectives and essential points of training.
The essential techniques, including the conclusion structure, in order to achieve the learning objectives.
Preparing the conclusion to correspond with the objectives that have been prepared earlier.
Manuals and Supporting Material
Preparing a learning guide including the structure, introductions, links among the supporting materials (flyers, exercises and slides presentation) and the detailed conclusions.
Establishing the manuals’ baselines using the conclusion prepared earlier.
Skills for preparing the lesson plans and creating the trainer’s manuals gradually.
The learning link in the workplace and helping learners to transfer what they have learned in class to the workplace.
Learning the basic learning rules with regard to the preparation of exercises, publications and the rest of the supporting backup material and how to link between them and the learning basic manual.
Set of approaches to prepare reports, and the best techniques that correspond with the various learning types.