An evening of "How to become a nets distinguished designer" by the trainer Ihab Ibdah.
Among ILLAFTrain activities in winter 2005, there was an evening under the title of "How to become a nets distinguished designers" on 21/1/2005. The lecturer was the engineer Ihab Ibdah who has:
Bachelor s degree of systems management and works nets from Philadelefia university.
The engineer Ihab Ibdah spoke about realizing the nets and their advantages:
Realizing nets history.
Realizing nets kinds by the space.
Realizing nets kinds by the geometrical design.
Realizing the sets of linking the nets.
Realizing the cables kinds.
Realizing the digital address.
Realizing the connections kinds.
This evening was for:
All the students of the electronic computer and the engineering domain, and the persons who work in the information technology fields.
For the one who works really at this field and wants to improve the technical and the skillfulness level to deal with this domain.
For all persons who want to develop their abilities and personal information about the study of nets domain to get the suitable jobs for their skills and competences.
The lecturer M. Ihab Ibdah told that using what was mentioned in the lecture will have results on the practical level like improving the functional and technical performance by using the best scientific and technical methods and by using the nets and the ways of designing them.