Business writing skills
Course id: 9884
Duration: 4 days/3 hour per day
As a writer,
Do you plan what you need to say ? Do you have a trouble getting started? Do you organize your thoughts to have the most impact on your reader? Do you write clearly and quickly? Does your message have visual impact? Is your tone right for your reader?
Does not require the participant in this session to any authority, but knowledge of English language is important
Employee who need to write English correspondence in job
Course is designed so that the trainee knows that the business correspondence skill is getting skill rather than to on his knowledge of English language
First day:
- Ten Reasons Letters Fail
- The Six Step Process
- Getting Started
- creating Headlines
- Writing the Draft
- Designing for Visual impact
- Honing the Tone
- Remove words doesn't add value
- Create positive thoughts
- Appling the "you" approach
Second day:
- Parts Of Business Letter
- Reference, Date, inside address, Special marking, Salutation, Heading
- Complimentary close
Third day:
- Fax message
- 4 point plan
- Opining introduction
- Central section
- Details, Action or response, Closed
Fourth day:
- Language And Tone
- Let's get more active
- KISS (keep it short and simply)
- Are we hate it or love it
- Email @ work