Finishing The art of decisions making evening

Finishing The art of decisions making evening

Among the activities of the trainer Salah Bo Saleh Sudiarabia, who is a certified trainer from the international union of the NLP trainers, and a certified trainer from the HRD British academy, the trainer Salah Bo Saleh held an evening under the title of "The art of decisions making" which was held by the Bahreinian association of the young friends and under the sponsorship of ILLAFTrain, Alfa Training, and Arroshd net…

The evening had many subjects which are:

Decisions kinds /decision space/

The intuition decisions and the analytic decisions

The individual and the collective decisions

The descriptive decisions

How to get the positive decision

What is the good decision

What is the positive decision and its conditions

The steps of making the analytical decision

The instruments of making the descriptive analytical decision

The multi standards decision and how to make it.

The participation was wonderful. The trainer was very glad by the great interaction of the attendance… It is worth mentioning that the trainer Salah Bo Saleh has important  next courses like "The seven habits for the success", and "Trainer training course" which will be held in Arriad/Sudiarabia on 19/3/2005.
