: Finishing the course of "How to memorize The Holy Quraan in a short time" by the trainer Doha Fattahy at Wraqla – Algeria.

On 9/9/2006, at 9a.m, in Wraqla city, there was the start of "How to memorize The Holy Quraan in a short time" course by the newest techniques with the professional trainer Doha Fattahy from
The course was at Linatel hotel, it continued until 12/9/2006. The course was distinguished by the full participation and understanding of trainees, and with the great interaction of the tra
The trainer Doha Fattahy helps the trainees during the course.
A side of the course trainees.
A side of the course trainees.
The trainee Attayeb Bilic picking up his certificate from the trainer Doha Fattahy.
The trainee who is the most memorizing of The Holy Quraan during the course picking up her certificate from the trainer Doha Fattahy.
A group photo of the course trainees with the trainer Doha Fattahy.