Finishing the course of How to remove the self pressure. The trainer Hind Basheer.

Finishing the course of How to remove the self pressure. The trainer Hind Basheer.

By the God help, there was the finishing of How to remove the self pressure course by the trainer Hind Basheer in the private training consultative clinic from 10/7 till 14/7/2005 for five hours daily.

The course topic is important. It is about how to get the keys of calmness, health, and happiness in the age of speed, diseases, and self pressures. It was distinguished by the variety of the categories which differ in their ages and jobs. The bases of the course depend on: The self motivation, scientific persuasion, the practical training, then the benefit of the feedback and the evaluation which continued throughout the course. The course atmosphere was distinguished by its positive energy and the spontaneity which increased through the special relationship between the trainees from one side, and between the trainees and the trainer from the other side. The trainees had many impressions, these are some of them:



The course is interesting and useful in many domains, the most attractive thing is the trainer skill and science. (Mrs. Ibtissam Beetar)


The course was very good, and the trainer explained every thing clearly. (Mrs. Sohair Haj Ibraheem)


The most distinguished thing in this course is the organization and the presentation. (Mrs. Khawla Tisiny)


Dr. Hind encouraged the trainees to give their notices to develop the course. The most important notices were to increase the number of course days above the daily attendance hours, and to change the course name because it does not express the course rich content and the right dimensions of its aims. Dr. Hind considered this notice as the first positive result of the course, and she promised to change the course name to be The bases and the techniques of the calmness, health, and happiness. Then the trainer decided with the trainees to make a group journey for practicing the exercises of relaxation, breathing, and the energy in the nature. Then, there was a party for distributing Illaftrain certificates in a happy atmosphere when the trainees thanked Dr. Hind and Illaftrain company for training.


These are some photos which express the course different activities.
