Finishing the course of "Improving the cognitive level" by the trainer Amal Slaimani in Algeria.

On 7-9-2006, the trainer Amal Slaimani finished her first course of "Thinking muscles, Improving the cognitive level". The course continued for three days, five hours daily, with an attendance of professors, students, workers at the common and the private sectors, in Mofdi Zekrayaa institute for creation in the fields of informatics, management, and languages, at Teqret city, Wraqleh state.
The trainer Amal started her course with stories and mental exercises which enabled the trainees from estimating their cognitive level and offering the confusing question: Why did not we think about this before? By the comparison with the great mental abilities that they have.
This special course which is considered as the glasses through which we see the world clearly, our thinking becomes more correct, and our behavior will be more effective.
It enables the individual from:
Wider understanding for the attitudes.
More comprehensive sight to form the objective perspective toward any attitude you encounter.
Neglecting the ego and the recognition of the others.
It helps you to determine your goals, and in the right planning.
Reaching the correct decisions and the organizing rules for all life sides.
The trai9nees showed a great interaction with the trainer, the interest in the content, and a great vitality with the exercises, the discussion, and exchanging the experiences.
They had some comments at the end of the course as:
I did not know that thinking is deep such as in this way. The best thing I found in this course is realizing my hidden abilities and skills. The trainee: Rajaa Bjadi, student.
It is a wonderful course, the most wonderful thing of it is the trainer Amal Slaimani who could achieve the intimacy and the interconnection with the trainees greatly. Thank too much for the information. Professor Aisha Laznak, trainer at Illaftrain.
These are some photos of the course:
A side of the course.
A side of the course.
A side of the course.