For the second time in the middle east, Trainers Training Course in Albahreen kingdom

 For the second time in the middle east, Trainers Training Course in Albahreen kingdom

For the second time in the middle east, a trainers training course of the HRD British Academy was held in Almanama, the capital of Albahreen kingdom between 19/12/2004 and 30/12/2004. The activities were held in the conferences hall in Alkarawan plaza hotel by Alpha Training, and by the participation of the best international trainers who are:

There were trainees from different Arabian countries like Sudiarabia, The Arabian Emarates,Oman, Albahreen, Tunisia….(There were participants from Africa, but they could not inter the kingdom because of holding the summit of gulf cooperation council in Almanama at the same time of holding the course).

It was decided that the famous trainer Dr. Safia Kara Mohammad from Syria Will participate,   but the course organizing committee could not get an entrance visa for her, which led some    participants to complain because they were waiting for her precious information (in the future by the God will).


This course is considered from the most important courses in its domain, it is held for the second time. Its first time in the middle east was in Syria/ Damascus, and it was organized by ILLAFTrain- Syria.


The British Academy for HRD is distinguished by committing with the international standards   of training, especially the trainer standards and ethics, the standards of writing the training     materials… It is the side of putting the standards and does not concern training, but facilitates the training international standards, and provides high level training materials…

