Great Success for the two Courses of Speed Reading in Algeria by the Trainer AHMAD ALKHATIB

On The Trainees responded greatly to the distinctive performance and elocution of the Trainer AHMAD NASSER ALKHATIB through making the exercises requested from them, through which they felt that speeding of reading in a scientific way leads to better comprehension and more remembrance contrary to the current traditional belief that slowing reading helps more to understand. Through the practical application of the exercises, each Trainee discovered his level, and could measure his speed and comprehension degree within the four days of the Course. Furthermore, there has been a distinctive attendance of At the end of the two Courses, there has been a ceremony for delivery of the Certificates in presence of the Trainer AHMAD NASSER ALKHATIB and Mr. DARI KADDOUR, At the end, the Trainees presented the highest expressions of gratitude and appreciation to the Trainer AHMAD NASSER ALKHATIB and to