Holding the evening of (How to become a professional developer for Windows User Interface) successfully.

 Holding the evening of (How to become a professional developer for Windows User Interface) successfully.

Among Illaftrain activities for winter2005, there was an evening under the title of (How to become a professional developer for Windows User Interface) on 24-3-2005, by the  engineer trainer Mohammad Taha. The trainer started the evening by talking about the problem of the Arab world from the technological domain generally, and the software specifically. He emphasized on the importance of raising the applications to the universal level. From this sight, the trainer clarified that the role of applications types is great in making the applications universal. So, we have to build professional programmers for  windows user, whose works are distinguished by some characteristics that have the positive effect. He added that

The bases of the programming work.

The direction purpose.

The visual programming.

Dealing with drawings and photos in programming form.

The ability to connect with databases.

Building a library of special instruments.

Making the applications universal and spreading them.


He assures that they are available at universal training companies like Microsoft, and Academy ITD which offers an integrated training direction to cover all the points about which the trainer talked. This direction is PUID (Professional User Interface Developer).


Finally, the trainer focused on the importance of making the Arab world as a mine of the experienced human cadres in the technological domain, because this will have a great positive results on the Arab world.

