How to be a web professional developer

How to be a web professional developer

Among ILLAFTrain activities in winter 2005, there was an evening under the title of "How to be a web professional developer" on 3/2/2005 by the trainer Aladdin Mnalla Ahmad who is  a site manager, the developer of ILLAFTrain electronic site programs, and NLP practioners.

The lecturer focused during the evening on many points. The most important things are the internet emergence, its popularity, HTML, the stages of SGML, then its developing until the appearance of HTML. The speech was also about the internet site, how to program them, and what are the techniques of doing that.

This evening is for all people who are interested in developing the internet sites, and who wish to open their private works which depend on programming the sites.

Finally, the trainer focused on the importance of the professionalism in developing the sites.    This will  affect positively on the works and the services which are offered by the web developer to be a web professional developer.

A side of the evening activities.

A side of the evening activities.
