Certified Training Designer
Course id: TOD
Duration: 6 Days
This program offers you models that help you to design inspiring training techniques and focus to make the content relevant to learners first and foremost. It also provides you with the design gradually, so that your designs become more smooth and your programs stronger and more active, and all of this at great speed and at a lower cost than you think. Moreover, you will use a design strategy composed of sixteen steps, in addition to many strong techniques that make your program strong and full of exercises, fun and interest.
This program is directed at trainers, instructors, facilitators and persons who want to develop their design skills and enhance them, and design training efficiently.
At the end of this training program, each learner will be able to:
- Design the training based on learning strategy composed of seven essential steps.
- Use the four-phase learning cycle in design.
- Apply the Accelerated Learning foundations to design professional courses.
- Apply the sixteen-step design system model.
- Distinguish between training, education and development.
- Analyze the learners to determine the course’s content.
- Plan for learning design projects.
- Collect tasks’ lists.
- Arrange work tasks by priority.
- Analyze the tasks to determine the course’s content.
- Identify the restrictions affecting the course design.
- Write the four-component learning objectives.
- Write the course objectives based on performance.
- Design tests and exercises in order to assess the performance.
- Design activities before the course and after it.
- Distinguish between the three parts of Merrill's component display theory.
- Describe the content-performance matrix (Clark’s matrix).
- Prepare delicate strategies and presentation types.
- Apply Reigeluth’s Elaboration theory and cognitive zoom principle.
- Link the best learning techniques to the content and to the learners’ needs.
- Design the course using the Accelerated Learning foundations.
- Choose the most appropriate learning techniques.
- Determine the organization and “flow” optimized for the content.
- Develop the course’s materials (i.e.: the learning plan, the manual).
- Verify the accuracy of the course design.
- Distinguish between Kirkpatrick's four assessment levels.
- Assess the extent of the course effectiveness.
- Formulate a post-training plan.
- Apply the adult learning principles.
- Design interactive “lectures”.
- Design the “discussions” resulting in an active participation.
- Design the learner’s pre-connecting tools.
- Design clear and purposeful “presentations”.
- Design realistic “case-studies”.
- Design “behavior modeling”.
- Design realistic practical exercises.
- Design learning “games”.
- Design realistic “simulation” techniques.
- Design the “role-playing” method.
- Design the collective “review” method effectively.
- Design a performance assessment paper as a guide for learners while committing errors in performance.
- Design the “summarization” needed to enhance learning.
- Design the feedback.
- Choose the most effective feedback method for the lesson.
- Describe the test conditions and plan for it.
- Distinguish between the three basic types of tests.
- Design the written tests, multiple-choice tests, true/false tests and the open-ended questions tests.
- Describe the three critical factors in testing good performance.
- Design the “performance” checklist.
- Choose the best organization for the lessons’ plans.
Analysis Phase
Why use the Instructional System Design.
What is the difference between training, development and education?
A sixteen-step model for the Instructional system design.
The front-end analysis techniques.
The most important standards in learners’ analysis.
How to design learning for different learners.
When training is the solution to meeting needs, and when it is not.
Two basic techniques to discover the training needs.
Key questions necessary to identify the needs.
When to analyze the needs.
The forty restrictions in project planning.
Estimating the design time.
The important factors in the selection of tasks.
Questions to be asked when analyzing tasks.
The subject’s analysis.
Four basic analysis techniques.
Preparing the tasks’ list.
The errors in writing the tasks’ list.
How to arrange the tasks according to priorities.
Twenty-four tips that should be known while interviewing the SME’s.
Design Phase
The most important questions asked regarding learning objectives and their answers.
Eleven benefits of formulating the learning objectives professionally.
The four components of the learning objective.
How to write the learning objectives rapidly and easily.
Thirteen factors that should be present in the learning objective.
A seven-step learning strategy.
Identifying the learning steps.
When are the tests performed.
The tests’ types and conditions, planning for them and designing them.
Designing the pre- and post-course activities.
Design Theories
The three parts of Merrill's component display theory.
Clark’s content-performance matrix.
Reigeluth’s Elaboration theory of descriptions and cognitive zoom principle.
The seven steps necessary in elaboration.
How to prepare a strong design even if you are not an expert.
The four-phase natural learning cycle.
Design’s Steps and Foundations
Designing learning experiences based on five basic design foundations.
The changing roles of new designers.
Designing the training in a professional and accelerated manner and through eight steps.
Including pleasure and joy using the learning frameworks.
More than one hundred learning techniques that you can use.
How to strongly connect the learner with learning, and before the beginning of the program.
Simple steps ensuring the important agreement on learning objectives by learners.
How to formulate cognitive learning objectives, in addition to values and skills-learning objectives.
How the benefits are the final and real target of the learner, and how to employ it.
Development Phase
Identifying the learners’ activities.
More than one hundred learning techniques that you can use.
Ten standards that help you to choose the presentation techniques.
Ten standards that help you to choose the exercising techniques.
The three factors necessary in determining the assessment techniques.
The seven steps necessary for a smooth sequence in the content.
Instructions for the organization of the lesson.
Preparing and coordinating the lesson plan.
Twenty items that should be present in the lesson plan.
Twelve tips necessary for the designing of the course’s manual.
How to increase cooperation among the group members.
The five steps necessary to verify the course.
Ten tips for increasing the content application to the fullest extent possible.
Twelve tips necessary for the flyers.
The seven principles of Adult Learning.
How to increase the level of attention.
Presentation Techniques
What is the “presentation”, when to use it and how to design it.
When to use behavior modeling, and how to design it in a way that ensures interaction among everybody.
How to choose the most efficient presentation technique for your lesson.
The accurate strategies and the presentation’s types.
What are the discussions, and when using them is effective.
Designing healthy discussion among learners.
More than seventy-five presentation techniques that you can use.
Designing more than ten types of efficient lectures.
Exercising Techniques
Guidelines to design the “review” games and exercises.
Four techniques to design “role-playing”.
How to choose the most efficient exercising technique for your lesson.
Designing “simulation” exercises in standard conditions.
Five techniques to design the “case-studies”.
How to design interactive “case-studies” reflecting reality.
Guidelines to design learning games full of fun.
More than one hundred exercising techniques that can easily be used by the learner.
Designing “the exercises” in a simple manner ensuring the involvement of all learners.
Feedback and Summarization Techniques
The six components of the integration phase.
How to help the learner apply what he has learned after the program.
Who delivers the feedback? And when?
How to choose the most efficient feedback technique for your lesson.
Guidelines to choose the feedback sources.
The test’s conditions and planning for it.
The three basic types of tests.
Designing the written tests, multiple-choice tests, true/false tests and the open-ended questions tests.
The three critical factors in testing good performance.
Designing the “performance” checklist.
How to summarize and enhance the transfer to practice.
Implementation Phase
Developing a management plan for training.
Eleven items necessary for the management plan.
Ten tips to enhance healthy competition.
Managing training time effectively and efficiently.
Encouraging learners to participate in work and be involved with it.
Using the review and summarization technique while delivering the course.
Enhancing the capacity to virtually practice the new skills at work.
The difference between a trainer, instructor, coach and facilitator.
Managing the group dynamics.
The three learning factors.
Evaluate Phase
How to evaluate learning.
Kirkpatrick's four evaluating levels.
Distinguishing between the four evaluation types and determining when to use them.
How to measure improvement in work performance.
More than sixty items in which evaluation should be included.
Checklists to verify the course.
Many models helping you in evaluation.