Process Management

Course id: 8861
Duration: 2 Day/ 5 H per day


If you don't manage your business processes, they will manage you. You need to understand them to manage them. Discover how some organisations accomplish this - by identifying and documenting their business processes. Many organisations tend to operate with a traditional functional management style. This is a top down style where information flows from top to bottom. This management style becomes problematic because it can lead to “one dimensional” management, inefficient use of organisational resources, and overall poor performance. In this workshop, participants learn and practice concepts, techniques and tools of the process-based management.


General management background


This workshop is aimed at senior and middle management through to the first line supervisors. It will help them understand - on a very practical basis - the concept of process management and continuous improvement techniques.


At the end of the course participants will be able to: ? Discover how an organisation works. ? Know the difference between Functions and Processes ? Identify the phases of the SIPOC model ? Realise the importance of processes, and how they relate to their daily work. ? Know the importance of cross-functional teams, and team building. ? Learn the techniques to make process improvement happen. ? Identify and map a process and the value chain ? Learn how to improve a process as a flowchart. ? Know why measures are so important and how to select them. ? Follow the steps of Continuous Process Improvement ? Learn what is Performance Measurement ? Learn the concept of total system management ? Use the CPI Tools


How organisations work. ? The difference between Functions and Processes ? The SIPOC model ? Cross-functional teams and team building. ? Techniques to make process improvement happen. ? Process mapping and the value chain ? Process documentation and flowcharting ? Process improvement. ? Performance measure ? Efficiency and effectiveness ? Performance indicators ? Models of performance measures ? Continuous Process Improvement ? The concept of total system management ? Analysis Tools



Muhammad Omran Almrabet
Dr. Mohammed Pedra
United Arab Emirates
Dr. Mohammed Pedra