Algeria-Biskra: "Life Management" course by trainer Aisha Lezek using for the first time Accelerated Learning Techniques.

Trainees while planning for their objectives |
It's not trainer Aisha's first experience to train Life Management course, but it's the first time using Accelerated Learning techniques.
The trainer presented the course from the 28th of June till the 2nd of July at the guidance and reform organization _the female section.
On the first day, the trainer presented an overall review about what is going to be presented in the course, which has been distinguished by:
· The trainer used games and puzzles which helped to eliminate boredom.
· The trainer presented the information and the skills by using Accelerated Learning techniques.
· The trainees' participation in sticking wallpapers added joy and entertainment.
· Some of the trainees had some unique and successful presentations during this course.
· Adding childish spirit over the course in order to eliminate all the negative convictions; the trainer wrote this conviction on a balloon then she exploded it, it's an effective and successful technique to take out the entire rooted negative convictions inside us.
· During the course, the trainer managed some time to discuss and present all the issues that keep the trainees' mind busy in order to find alternative solutions for them.
· Trainees made a presentation about their future plans; then, there was a discussion that supported these plans.
· The intimate, friendly atmosphere helped for more comprehension.
At the end of the course, the trainer wanted to choose the most active trainee. And because of the trainees' immense activeness, she decided to draw lots for that.
Therefore, she added success and distinction over the course by using Accelerated Learning techniques, something she is going to do over her upcoming courses.
Trainees' comments on the course:
Trainee Behzaz Merzaqa: it's nice when you are tired, lost, and feeling pain to find yourself in safe, flexible and faithful hands. It's nice to have a female trainer at the time we, as "women", suffer negligence and subjugation. Therefore, her success is mine too; her continuity at work and self confidence push me to have real objectives, enough knowledge, determination, and accuracy.
Trainee Judi Latifa: the course was distinctive, and the trainees' attendance was effective in terms of participation and delivery. Having the love spirit and being friendly are what distinguished the trainer the most, in addition to her noble and efforts for delivering skills.
Trainee Leghreeb Sejeh: I've become so much self confident and able to determine my goals and to get out of loss, carelessness and negativity circle, stepping in the right road of self-development and saying "No" at the right time.
Trainee Hedda Ibn Bozaid: On the first day, I felt as if I had been in a labor. The second and the third day, I suffered from delivery pain and difficulty. On the forth, I had a cesarean. On the fifth day, I had the delivery and back to life again.