On the occasion of the thirteenth anniversary of establishing ILLAFTrainand after considerable efforts and numerous meetingsthe first version of EDUTRAPedia in Arabic language...
UAE - Dubai: The launch of EDUTRAPedia
On Friday the th of July at the center of ILLAFTrainKhartoum a course of NLP diploma was completed by trainer Tony Peter the main trainer trainer Abdel Moniem Alomairi who ad...
Khartoum; Sudan: for the first time, NLP Diploma by using Accelerated Learning Techniques at ILLAFTrain-Khartoum

A course of how to memorize the Holy Koran in a short time was held in Algeriathe capital on the th of July by trainer Duha Fattahi and thats by the organization of Constantin...
Algeria- the capital: a course of "How to memorize the Holy Koran in a Short Time?" By trainer Duha Fattahi.

Seeking for the best in presenting the most important distinctive topics on daily life trainer Duha Fattahi presented one of her newest ILLAFTrain certified courses the Making...
Algeria, Constantine: "the Making of Creative Child" course by trainer Fattahi

From the st till the th of June and within the activities of Constantine franchise trainer Basel Alnassar presented two unique courses of Sales Art and Negotiation Skills in A...
Algeria-the Capital: Sales art and negotiation skills courses by trainer Basel Alnassar in Algeria the capital

Its not trainer Aishas first experience to train Life Management course but its the first time using Accelerated Learning techniques...
Algeria-Biskra: "Life Management" course by trainer Aisha Lezek using for the first time Accelerated Learning Techniques.

Trainer Samir Kohil presented a unique course called Thinking Muscles improving comprehension skills in Setif This course comes on the distinctive training schedule of ILLAFTr...
Algeria-Constantine: "Thinking Muscles" by trainer Samir Kohil in Setif

ILLAFTrainConstantine franchise invited Syrian trainer Basel Alnassar to train Sales Art course in Serif on the th th of June...
Constantine, Algeria: "Sales Art" course by trainer Basel Alnassar in Serif.

Khartoum, Sudan: Trainer Tony Peter and a Unique NLP Course Co-facilitated by Trainer Magdah Mohammad

On the th of June a course of thinking musclesImprovement of comprehension level was presented by trainer Samir Kohil within a unique running to Constantine franchise in Alger...
Algeria - the Capital: "Thinking Muscles" Course by the Trainer Samir Kohil.
On Wednesday trainer Salaheddin Djilah completed a unique course of NLPWhat made it special was the variety of attendance where the trainer made use of this variety to elabor...
Algeria - the Capital: the Completion of a Unique Course of NLP by Trainer Salaheddin Djilah

Under the patronage of Asrab Al Yamamprivate School trainer Duha Fattahi presented a NLP diploma course along the participation of trainer Julia Shriki...
Syria - Lattakia: the Completion of NLP Diploma Course by Trainer Duha Fattahi along the Participation of Trainer Julia Shriki

Under the invitation of ILLAFTrainRabat trainer Ahmad Naser Alkhateeb for the time came to Morocco to train a practitioner course of NLP in Aljadeida whichis located about km...
Morocco - Aljadeida: on the Atlantic shores, a course of NLP was presented by trainer Alkhateeb

On Thursday the course of Leaders meeting management was completed it was presented by trainer Abdel Moniem Alomairi at the development and constant training center in Kharto...
Sudan - Khartoum: trainer Alomairi is talking about his experience of - Using NLP techniques in the course of Leaders meeting management
Trainer Alaa Bazo closed his successful Art of Sales Course that lasted for five training days Enrolled in this course was a distinctive group of young ambitious people from d...