Morocco - Meknes: Learning Marathon begins in Meknes

A side from the course |
On Friday morning, 3rd of April, activities of Accelerated Learning workshop begin at 9:30 am in Blizans Hotel in Meknes in collaboration with ILLAFTrain center-Rabat presented by the international trainer Mohammad Pedra.
It involves learners from all over Morocco from Tangier, Marrakech, Casablanca, Raba, Agadir and other cities.
But there is no one from Meknes, where the course has been held, that means the learners’ full-time devotion for the workshop because they all stay in the same hotel; that helps for the time-flexibility of the workshop, and in the same time gives them the opportunity of having lot of fruitful discussions and meetings, as a team, concerning the workshop subjects.
Learners are divided into six groups. Each one is assigned to set the final presentation of what has been learned in an applicable and clear way as well as their comprehension of the spirit of Accelerated Learning, in particular.
“it was unforgettable time" that's what learners have expressed. And it lasted for three days; some of its content:
The whole report and the comments can been seen at Dubai Center for Accelerated Learning.
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Morocco: a story of success out of an Accelerated Learning Workshop – learner Mohammad Sehaili