By the god almighty the events of th training of trainers course has concluded on (certified ILLAFTrain trainer) at the blesance hotel in Meknas The course continued for more...
Meknas – Morocco: joining new Moroccan trainers to the ILLAFTrain trainers

Saudi Arabia - Jeddah: “business” and “ILLAFTrain” lunch their monthly trips from Jeddah

By virtue of Almighty God the twenty fifth events of the Trainers Training Course have been completed at Doha Millennium in which lasted for days and for hours in each day ...
Al-Doha - Qatar: The Troopers Discover the Training Forests

The events of ILLAFTRAIN CERTIFIED TRAINER COURSE ended on Wednesday where the Trainer Training course of this year took the shape of the Doha World Cup from the moment w...
Qatar - Doha: knights of ILLAF Train hurries toward the top

By the god almighty the nineteenth training of trainer course has been concluded at Jul in Regency hotel Al Khartoum under supervision of...
Sudan – Khartoum: The orient express... “Trip No.765” had arrived Andalus in peace

World Cup matches have been finished on Wednesday Feb where the train of trainers course for this year took the form of AlDoha world cup from the moment of entering the train...
Qatar - Doha: Bloom Kolb, Gang, and “Body” are competing for the World Cup 2022

Syria – Damascus: Twenty Four Air Shows for Each Trainee! A New Record in ILLAFTrain Certified Trainer Course ICT

Sudan- Khartoum: New Trainees break the siege

Morocco- Marrakesh: Completing the Seventeenth ILLAFTrain Certified Trainer Course ICT

Nasser Mahmoud wrote in Alwatan Newspaper QatarDr Mohammad Ibrahim Pedra emphasized that the quality of training that companies and individuals are looking for in Qatar is a h...
Qatar-Doha: Pedra, The Qatar Society is Looking for a High Quality Training

Dubai Center for Accelerated Learning is organized in collaboration with Doha Youth Center A course of Accelerated Learning Techniques at the Millennium hotel from th until th...
Qatar - Doha : Teachers Workshop Of Doha

On Friday morning rd of April activities of Accelerated Learning workshop begin at am in Blizans Hotel in Meknes in collaboration with ILLAFTrain centerRabat presented by the...
Morocco - Meknes: Learning Marathon begins in Meknes

After the conclusion of Accelerated Learning workshop in Meknes and after few days of my return Ive received a letter from the trainee Mohammad Sahly its about a success he h...
Morocco: a story of success out of an Accelerated Learning Workshop – learner Mohammad Sehaili

On Wednesday afternoon at Millennium Hotel the ICT was concluded sponsored by the public administration of the Youth related issues The course began days ago hours a day und...
Qatar - Doha: ILLAFTrain Certified Trainer Course Conclusion

The workshop is sponsored by the general administration for youth and supervised by Doha Youth Center in cooperation with ILLAFTrain Abu Dhabi and Dubai Accelerated Learning ...