Morocco - Rabat: Rabat hosts the first Certified Trainers Conference

Attendees |
Rabat hosted the first conference for training and trainers under the title “Training and Trainers…Reality and Development Potential” in Al-Manzah Palace on the 20th of Sep.
The meeting was attended by Trainers and Training experts and teachers with interest in the field. This conference was organized and planned by ILLAFTrain-Rabat and by Maharat Center.
Mr. Ibrahim Talwa opened the Forum with a presentation in which he explained some of the principals of training and its reality in Morocco and the challenges that faces it. He also pointed to the promising prospects for this profession in the Moroccan market.
Mr. Talwa presented a slide show about ILLAFTrain Certified Trainer Course which took place in Tangiers between June 25th and July 3rd.
Mr. Elhassan Elomrani (Trainer and owner of a training center) presented a briefing about the reality of training in the Public Sector in particular and in the private sector in general. He also highlighted the importance that is given by these sectors to training by allocating substantial budgets for this field. Mr. Elomrani talked about the conditions required by every training center to achieve professionalism and leadership.
Dr. Saida Tawfiq (collage professor in Al Mohammadiah University and head of a study group on human development) talked about her own experience with the study group which is considered one of the pioneering experiments in creating trainers in the field of human development. This Study is a step towards merging this type of training with the curriculum of Morocco University.
Mr.Edrees Ahllal presented a paper about the challenges that faces trainers and training in the Moroccan market especially for new comers to the field.
After all presentations, the discussion was opened to the floor which provided new trainers the opportunity to be introduced and to share their feedback and future visions.
Highlights of the Conference recommendations:
- The importance of the continuity of such meetings.
- Election of a committee to supervise and prepare a complete plan to develop this conference.
- An agreement to prepare for a national day for trainers and training to be held next summer.