Qatar - Doha: knights of ILLAF Train hurries toward the top

Trainer Hussein Habib Assayed getting the Knight insignia of First degree |
The events of ILLAFTRAIN CERTIFIED TRAINER COURSE ended on Wednesday 23-02-2011, where the Trainer Training course of this year took the shape of the Doha 2022 World Cup from the moment when the trainees entered the international stadium till announcing the winning state of the World Cup…
and it was supervised by the trainers: Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Pedra, Hussein Habib Assayed , Ghada Larum, Asmaa Hashim and Jawahir Al-Mane’. One of the advantages of this course was the tremendous efforts made by the trainers and commended by all of the course attendance, and that made it a must on ILLAFTRAIN management to be honored by giving insignias to the following trainers:
The well known trainer Hussein Habib Assayed from Qatar, for his good effort in raising the training industry quality in the state of Qatar, for the quick solutions he always have to solve any obstacle faces the disseminations and upgrading the training, and for his high positivity on dealing with obstacles in the training market, and he got the knight insignia of the first degree, which is a insignia to be given to the trainer of the year which be chosen from the most active and effective ILLAF TRAIN trainers. And it includes a two years free ILLAFTRAIN membership, an electronic promotional campaign on ILLAF NET network worth 3000 Dollars, and labels package worth 1000 Dollars.
Trainers Asmaa Al-Hashim, Ghada Larum and Jawahir Al-Mane’ from Qatar, for what they gave of high level contributions, and for their high professional level of dealing with all situations with trainees, for that they got the second degree knight insignia: which is a medal to be given for any of the managers, experts or training consultants who gave important contributions in raising the quality of training industry. And that medal includes: a one year free membership at ILLAFTRAIN, and an electronic promotional campaign on ILLAF NET network worth 2000 Dollars.
And trainer Salima Al-Queider from Libya, for her high spirit and as a support from the course trainees and trainers and ILLAFTRAIN managers for her presence in this course despite the events that take place in her country; for that she got a knight insignia of the first degree.
ILLAFTRAIN management, trainers and trainees congratulate the trainers for what they gave and got, and wish them a better future .
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