Syria - Lattakia: the Completion of NLP Diploma Course by Trainer Duha Fattahi along the Participation of Trainer Julia Shriki

Trainer Duha Fetahi during the course |
Under the patronage of Asrab Al Yamam-private School, trainer Duha Fattahi presented a NLP diploma course along the participation of trainer Julia Shriki.
The course began on the 10th of June and lasted for six days. Trainer Duha elaborated on programming, helping the trainees to dive deep inside to know themselves more.
During the course, talking about each of positive thinking, determining and achieving the objectives, and improving the communication skills with others had its enough time.
There was diversity among the attendance of all ages and specializations, where all agreed on the significance of the course, and the immense change and difference that affected their way of thinking and their perspectives.
The course had an intimate atmosphere, and an active interaction between trainees and the trainer.
During the course, the Accelerated Learning techniques were applied increasing the interaction among the trainees.
The trainees' comments:
Trainee Sabah Alloa'a: Before attending the course, everything was invaluable in my perspective, including leading marginalized life, but now I want to establish myself and achieve my goals. My advice to all is to take this course, to discover what I found. And trainer Duha was more than great.
Trainee Iman Yes Da'aod: The subject was great, with the trainer's great information and her examples from the real world helped us understand it in an organized, scientific way. What I liked most in the course was the accuracy of dates and provision of comfort. We have also trained ourselves to keep on smiling.