The Master Trainer Hamad Al-Shammari Obtained a Master's Degree in Local Development from the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies

congratulate trainer Hamad Saket Al-Shammari on this achievement |
Doha, Qatar - 2023-05-23
Many people strive to succeed in their careers, but few can rise to the top and do so.
In keeping with his excellence and his belief that learning never ends, the master trainer Hamad Saket Al-Shammari completed his studies at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies and was able to complete his master's thesis, "The Central Municipal Council's Role in Local Development in the State of Qatar", which aims to:
- Defining the local administration concept, including its goals and components.
- Defining the Central Municipal Council's function and the main challenges to local development in the State of Qatar.
- Presenting proposals and recommendations to the decision-maker regarding potential areas that could be improved in the Central Municipal Council's and local government's work in the State of Qatar in light of Qatar Vision 2030.
This thesis is a significant contribution to the scientific knowledge in the fields of local development and public administration and represents the analytical, critical thinking, and scientific research skills of trainer Hamad Al-Shammari. The thesis helps to identify the key elements that influence local development and aids in developing practical solutions and recommendations to deal with these elements and strengthen the Central Municipal Council's role in achieving local development.
We at ILLAFTrain are proud of the master trainer Hamad Al-Shammari's accomplishment of obtaining a master's degree. We heartily congratulate him on this exceptional accomplishment, which greatly enhances the professional, training, and scientific career of trainer Hamad Al-Shammari.