USA - Georgia: Co-operation agreement between Dubai Center for Accelerated learning and the International Alliance for Learning

A Certified practitioner program in accelerated learning between Dubai Center for Accelerated Learning and the International Alliance for Learning has been signed |
Accelerated learning in its essence is an entirely new concept to the Arab World. This concept has very limited familiarity. To help spread the idea; it has to be introduced to the region with International standards through quality programs and by using accredited and certified institutions and by utilizing qualified trainers of the highest caliper.
After an extensive research, we communicated with the International Alliance for Learning in the United States of America. In addition to providing learning, this Not-for-Profit organization was established in 1976 and is considered one of the oldest Institutions that catered for Accelerated Learning since its infancy. Also, after detailed consultation and communication with Mr. Ronald Butcher the president of the Alliance, an agreement of co-operation between DALC and IAL has been reached. This agreement covered multiple points of interest. Some of which are:
- Introduction of the practitioner program.
- Advanced Practitioner.
- A program to qualify and certify trainers.
- DALC has three years exclusive rights to this program.
The certification program consists of three levels:
Level one - The Practitioner: This level consists of three stages. Each stage requires four training days. This program has been modified to be two stages of five days each to suit the needs of the region.
Level Two - Master Practitioner: This level does not contain any training courses. However, it has its own requirements (specific assignments and tasks to be given by the Alliance supervisors to be completed by the trainer within a specified time frame.
Level Three - Certified Trainer: This level requires a minimum of two years to earn the title Certified Trainer. In addition, it has other standardized requirements to be met under the supervision of the Alliance.
For more details, Please visit our certification program web page.
The first training course for Practitioners has been set to start on March the 3rd of 2009. This course will be given by the trainer Kathleen Brandhofer-Bryan.
The criterions of the International Alliance for Learning are very strict, and provide high quality. It helps in developing well qualified trainers. Any trainer who fails to pass all these levels within a period of two years-provided that he/she commits to all tasks and assignments – will disqualify. This approach is rather normal from a not- for- profit organization that aims at nothing but highly qualified Accelerated learning Trainers.
DALC has planned to graduate hundred certified trainers by the IAL within the next two years. This will cover the entire Arab World. Two Practitioner courses have been planned to take place in Dubai, Damascus, Cairo, Tripoli and Casablanca in the first phase of 2009. In 2010 the courses will be given in Qatar, Jeddah, Riyadh, Oman and Algiers the Capital.
As far as the higher levels like the Advanced Practitioner and the Trainer, it will take place simultaneously according to the Alliance specifications and requirements.