Al-Doha - Qatar: The Troopers Discover the Training Forests

Al-Doha - Qatar: The Troopers Discover the Training Forests
From the course atmospheres

By virtue of Almighty God, the twenty fifth events of the Trainers Training Course have been completed at Doha Millennium in 22-02-2012. which lasted for 10 days and for 10 hours in each day… supervised by the following trainers: Doctor Mohammed Pedra, Jawaher Al-Mane’, Ghada Larum,

The trainer Hussein Habib Al-Sayed The trainer Abdurrahman Al-Harami and Doctor Mohammad Pedra [on the left])


This course has been distinguished by breaking the records of the training rounds: for every trainee presented about fifteen training presentations in front of at least five referees… in which the trainees had got their “trip notes” in the first day before entering the forest. The hall were painted by the colors of a forest, therefore the green were all around, in addition to variety of forest animals and plants.

Photo Gallery: The troopers Trip in Training Forest.


Here is something from what was done during the course:


The Introduction of Speeches: Forest framework .

Trainer Jawaher Al-Mane’ started presenting the speech introduction by receiving a letter from the forest king’s messenger and reading its context, in which the king wishes them a pleasurable stay for all trainees, but they had to help him identifying the content of speech introduction, that had been distributed on each group in glasses by his special servant. After that, each group worked on guessing the components of the speech introduction, and the trainer explained it.

Then the trainer asked the groups to pick a subject from the course in order to try applying the stages of the introduction on the subject, then choosing a trainee from the group to do the presentation for everyone, and that’s how everyone reached the stages of speech introduction. The activity procedure is as the following:

  • The trainer wrote a question, “What are the functions of the introduction?” on paper contain a picture of a chopped sandwich, and the paper had been rolled and put in the glasses.
  • The glasses had been distributed on the trainers by the servant of the forest’s king.
  • Each group must guess the components and then the trainer explains them.
  • The trainer asked to distribute the trainees into two groups and asked each group to choose an introduction for one of the subjects and to nominate a representative and asked two of the trainees to be the referee.
  • The trainer presented a feedback to each group, and the component of the introduction had been presented to everyone.


Organizing the body of the speech:

After revising the trainees with the components of the speech introduction, trainer Jawaher proposed a request from the king of the forest, in which the trainees need his help in dividing his speech subjects into main ideas, for he has 8 different subjects which their body needs framing. Then, the trainer distributed on each group bags containing paper written on it different parts of the body of the speech. Then the group must guess the type of the part. After that, the trainer explained the parts and then asked each group to explain the part to the next group and to nominate one of its members to present a body of a subject of his choice.

The following are the body of the speech organizing activity procedures:

  • Trainer Jawaher wrote the divisions of the main ideas on green paper to fit the forest characteristic and put them in bags.
  • The trainer wrote an example on each kind of divisions.
  • Trainer Jawaher distributed a bag to each trainee.
  • Each group chooses another group and explains the division type to them.
  • The trainer presented a feedback to each group and showed how to divide the body into main ideas.


The conclusion of a speech:

Trainer Jawaher Al-Mane’ began with presenting the speech conclusion for the trainees by acting the presentation of the certified trainer’s training course conclusion. Then she asked the trainees to guess the conclusion components, after that, she went explaining the conclusion starting from summarizing the main ideas, going through  activating the audience response, and ending with giving an ending.

The trainer asked five trainees to choose 4 balls with the same color for each trainee from the basket then to throw them on 4 other trainees in the hall to make a group, and within the new group choosing an ending for one of the subjects should be agreed on and to act the concluding in order to present it in front of the other groups. With that the trainees could know the components of the conclusion during the exercise. The following are the procedures of the conclusion components activity:

  • Trainer Jawaher had put colored balls in a basket (five balls for each color).
  • The trainer asked five trainees to pick 5 balls with the same color then to throw it on 4 trainees of their choice.
  • Each new group chooses its representative to present the conclusion.

The trainer presented a feedback to each group, and then presented the conclusion components to everyone. Choosing an ending for one of the subjects and acting a conclusion in order to present it in front of the groups.

Photo Gallery: Speech Conclusion.


The Guidelines for Building the Speaker Confidence:

Trainer Jawaher Al-Mane’ began presenting “building the speaker confidence guidelines” using the accelerated learning techniques, for she started with the story of the two monkeys (Positive and Negative) which goes on with the forest, the course characteristic, where she asked the trainees to look in the hall for the hanged monkeys that carry the negative phrases, and to find the proposed solutions from the wise and positive monkeys, as for the monkeys with sad faces points to the speaker problems during speaking, on the other hand, happy monkeys symbolize the appropriate solutions for these problems.

When everyone finished the search and pairing each problem with its solution, the trainer had divided the trainees into groups of pairs, and asked each pair to that person (A) play the role of the Negative Monkey that faces the speech obstacles in front of the audience, and trainee (B) to play the role of the wise Positive Monkey who has the instructions. With that, the trainees could know all the instructions for building the speaker confidence through the exercise, which was applied using one of the Accelerated Learning Techniques.

The following are the steps of “the instructions of building the speaker confidence” activity:

  • Trainer Jawaher wrote phrases describe the status of the unconfident speaker on the pictures of the negative monkey (12 pictures) and made it in gray then hanged the pictures all over the hall.
  • She wrote the positive instructions on colored pictures of monkey.
  • She fixed the colored pictures on a wall painting (coconuts palm).
  • She asked the trainees to look in the hall for each problem (negative gray monkey) and its solution (positive colored monkey).
  • The trainer divided the trainees into groups of pairs, and asked each pair to choose a problem and to act the situation in their own way in front of everyone.
  • The trainer presented a feedback to each pair, and the instructions of building confidence had been presented to everyone.

The Troopers Look for Cures for the Forest Diseases:

  • Our original and even imported training system might be full of many educational lapses or obstacles… so how these obstacles were searched for after dividing the troopers into groups to search in the doctor’s case for the appropriate medicines:
  • Cases full of medicines and drugs had been distributed on the groups.
  • Each group was asked to distribute the medicines on its members in order to let each member work on studying the medicine.
  • Each member was asked to explain the medicine he has to the rest of the group.
  • Then the group was asked to send a representative to present what the whole group learnt in front of the class.

Photo Gallery: Forest Diseases.



The Component of a Good Objective, and aiming the Balls towards the Goal:

Trainer Ghada Larum addressed the trainees with a request to write an objective of their own training objectives within their daily rounds, and to write it down on the balls exist behind the hall, which had been designed in the shape of football but a bad ones because they’re not filled with air, and they were distributed randomly out of the goal. Then the trainer explained to them that the reason of writing the objectives now on such a ball is that the objective doesn’t contains the components of a good objective which will be mentioned during the presentation.

Trainer Ghada Larum didn’t explain the component of the good objective to the audience, but she used the accelerated learning techniques, in which she designed an activity to each group, and the activity is a group of objectives in column (A) and another group of objectives in column (B), and by comparing between them thoughts will be drew to the differences between the objectives of both columns, and that will lead to one of the components of the good objective. In the same way, four exercises had been distributed on the four groups, and each group discovered one of the components of the good objective, just like that, all trainees got to all the components of the good objective which is summarized in: focusing on the student, using an observable performance, and the availability of standards and qualifications to achieve it.

In conclusion the trainer distributed another shape of balls, which are good ones filled with air, and asked them to rewrite the same objective they wrote before, but this time using the qualifications of the good objective that had been presented, then to the goal that is in the hall and fix it in it, because these balls contained the specifications of the good objective, therefore they will definitely score. That was one of the accelerated learning techniques in which the trainer role limited in simplifying and directing only, whereas the major role of searching and gaining knowledge goes to the student who is the core of the education process. The following is a detailed description for the activity process:

  • The trainer prepared two shapes of balls by cartoon or paper, whereas the first shape is like an unfilled with air ball, which means that it will not score.
  • The second shape the trainer prepared is well circled filled with air balls.
  • She drew a football goal on a big white cartoon and fixed it at the end of the hall.
  • The trainer cut the two shapes of balls according to the number of the audience.
  • She put the firs shape randomly all over the hall outside the goal, before the arrival of the trainees.
  • She asked each trainee to get a pen before the beginning of the presentation and to go to one of the bad balls and write an objective of his training objectives that he will work to achieve it in his presentation during the rounds.
  • The trainer started the presentation, then, she distributed the good balls on each person and asked them to write the same objective he wrote before, but this time with considering the components which had been explained during the presentation.
  • She asked the trainees to head to the goal fixed in the back and to fix the ball in it as a symbol of scoring a goal.

Photo Gallery: the components of the good objective.



The kitchen of “Bloom, Gang, and Kolb”:

Using the accelerated learning techniques in learning “designing the training system,” the troopers played the “Paradise Restaurant” in which the trainer asked the troopers to choose terms from “designing the training system” and to present to each other the correct definitions for these terms. The steps were as following

  • On an appropriate table, a group of paper plates written on each one a definition for a term were presented.
  • Five Pieces of unreal paper-money were given to each traveler.
  • The trainer distributed the travelers into groups, and told them that each one will play the role of the “waiter.” Therefore, each one on the table will ask for one term from the “menu” and the “waiter” should write that on a card he has.
  • After that, the “waiter” goes to the kitchen (plates’ table) to bring the plates with the correct definitions on them and which goes with the customers orders. Then he should get back to the table in order to serve these plates to the one asked for it.
  • The learners decide together if the orders are right or not. For if one of the orders was right, so the traveler should give the waiter a piece of paper-money. But if the order wasn’t right and doesn’t match what he ordered, so the waiter should give the customer a piece of paper-money.
  • And the game kept on till most of the troopers took their chances to play the role of the “waiter”.

Photo Gallery: designing the training system.



The Race of Revision

The training summarized by: reading a question in order for the trainers to race to the wall for getting the right answer.

  • Before the beginning of the program, forty questions had been prepared for the learners. These questions cover the most of the course. The answers had been written on colored cards.
  • Then the answers had been pasted on one of the hall walls, and the start point had been marked with a tape on the other side of the wall.
  • The class had been divided into two teams, and they have been asked to line up in two lines behind the “start line.”
  • The trainer read the questions in a loud and clear voice, and when he says: “begin,” only one trainer from each team should run to the wall in order to find the right answer to read it in a loud voice, and then both players go back to their teams.
  • Then comes the turn of another two players from both teams.
  • The game continued till all the answers pasted on the wall are done. And each learner took at least one turn. And the team that collects a bigger number of right answers is the winner.

Photo Gallery: Revision Race Training.



Movement, movement, movement:

The activities of the course has been excellence for the frequent movement of the trainees… where the trainers rarely sat on their seats… and any visitor to the hall could clearly see the signs of joy and energy on trainees faces.

Photo Gallery: movement, movement, movement.





Tug of War and Learning Summit:

The travelers played to role of two countries that share the knowledge at “Top of Learning” each team receives search materials, and then negotiate for the information that the other party has. The procedures:

  • Before the beginning of the program, a list of questions had been written to be answered, or subjects to be discussed.
  • The class been divided into two teams. And each one told that they are a country that needs the knowledge which the other country has. And for living in the age of knowledge and small village, they should co-operate and share the knowledge with each other. But countries are sort of worried; therefore this sharing and exchanging must be full of carefulness.
  • Each team had been asked to name its country and to appoint a spokesman to talk on its behalf. And they can design their flag if there is time. (some of the team members might like to invent funny names and nicknames for themselves and put it as an ID in front of them on the table).
  • Each team was given a list of questions and subjects in files that written on it “special intelligence”: how to get to … (an objective of learning objectives.(
  • One of the teams has been asked to look in the first half of the questions list and the other team to look in the second half. Both countries had a limited time to do their “intelligence”. For they could use any learning source to prepare their answers.

One of the two teams started requesting an answer for a question that the other team should look in it. And that team negotiates by giving an answer for an answer. This summit continued till all the answers were shared.




Special Blessing:

Just before three days of the end of the course, emerged news about Ghada Larum that she got her Master Degree, therefore, in this occasion, two parties had been there. One is organized by the troopers, and the other done by the team of ILLAFTRAIN- DOHA. What should be mentioned is that trainers Ghada Larum and Jawaher Al-Mane’ passed this course and got the license of teaching it. And this makes them the first two female trainers getting this license at the Arabian Gulf, therefore, Congratulations for both of them.

Some of what the explorer troopers said:

Mohammad Abu Watfa, educational supervisor:

The course is not just a normal training course, but it is a real changing course in mind and work. I do advise all of the people who are interested and uninterested in training to attend it and enjoy the time and change as I did.”

Maryam Ali Al-Shimmary:

One of the best, most interesting, and most beautiful courses and times… days that will never be repeated again… moments will never come back… beautiful and classy friendships… a brotherhood that will never ends…”

Aisha Mohammad Malik:

The Certified ILLAF TRAIN Trainer Course is the key to the world of success and distinction.”

Abdulaziz Daloul, Trainer:

It is a course that deserves to build and improve you… brings you back to your happy childhood through its funny trainings that are connected to education methods… don’t think twice: be here someday.”

Bashir Kifah Yahya, Journalist:

I’ve witnessed fun in every moment of the course which distinguished with the ease of instilling values.”

Mohammad Ali Murad:

The course is fun … fun … fun. I thank anyone who had made any effort even if it was simple to get me to this level which is more than great…”

Mohammad Hassan Al-Ibrahim, Management Skills trainer:

A course that offered me much… and I hope that it would be the beginning of my start in training world… I can’t find a word of thanks to express what I feel of gratitude and appreciation toward this course and the ones in charge…”

Manal Lutfi Thyab, a legitimate science coordinator:

a rich course…I invite every person to join it, and I invite each trainer chasing perfection to join it for it is the real first step… so start with God’s blessing…”

Asma Al-Kwari, freelancer:

Distinction is but for distinguished… and you’re one of them… and in the place of one of the distinguished..."

Qasim Salem, Islamic education teacher:

An invite for everyone to live a new life through participating in this course… it contains lot of meanings… and indications that change your life… enjoy the universe… so the universe will enjoy being with you…”

Nurah Al-Nu’aimy, Administrative Researcher:

An amazing course… rich of information and awesome surprises… I advise whoever wants to be a trainer and looking for perfection to join it…”

May Mohammad, Administrative Affairs Researcher:

Don’t look for yourself… just enjoy and you’ll find yourself appearing before you… and after that, don’t just do nothing, but take it with you to move forward and to fly in the sky of creativity…”

Jabir Abdul Aziz Al-Jabir:

“This course changed much in my life… honestly I recommend it for you… and my advice is “enjoy life”.
