How to Make Change?... ILLAFTrain UAE and the Closure of NLP Course Series

Group photo at the conclusion ceremony |
Al Ain, United Arab Emirates - 2022-11-10
The only constant truth in the universe is that nothing remains constant. Life comes from change; man is bound to change, and the first step in man's change is to change his thoughts.
ILLAFTrain UAE completed the NLP course series at its three levels during the period from October 24 to September 11, 2022, in the city of Al Ain. This was done in accordance with its responsibility to keep up with the rapid changes that call for planning for the future and handling it with qualitative skills.
Mohammed Pedra, a consultant trainer, and Mr. Majed bin Afif, an expert trainer, delivered the training course. They worked sincerely and tirelessly to impart the most effective skills and a summary of their expertise in relation to the sciences of NLP. Both trainers benefited greatly from the trainees' zeal and passion for the truth of the desired intellectual change.
This outstanding training program was provided in accordance with three fundamental themes:
The first theme: raising self-awareness:
This theme started by examining the thoughts and convictions of each individual, probing the human psyche for hidden potentials, and figuring out how to draw these resources out and put them to use.
The second theme: Self-control:
The process of self-control was discussed in this theme so that people might become the masters of themselves in a variety of situations and not be held captive by their emotions and feelings.
The third theme: Having a positive impression when communicating with others:
This theme focused on having effective communication skills in a way that helps one favorably start down the paths of life with skills that allow him make a qualitative and positive breakthrough in communication by being able to accept people and understand their actions and motives.
The course's conclusion was out of the ordinary. The delight of finishing the three levels of NLP and succeeding was shared by the trainees, but there was also another joy. Sumaya Al-Shimmari, an expert trainer, and Mahra Mohammed, a trainer, both celebrated their graduation with ILLAFTrain UAE after earning the title of Certified Temujin Trainer after successfully clearing all of the required tests.
It is worth noting that Temujin is an integrated approach designed to help individuals and organizations build supreme self-esteem and the skills to deal with thoughts, feelings, and behaviors by developing the skills needed to strike a successful and distinctive balance in life (personal and professional).
In this festive atmosphere, certificates were distributed, and congratulations and blessings were extended to both trainers, Sumaya Al-Shemmari and Mahra Mohammed.