ILLAFTrain UAE Bids Farewell to the Year 2022 with Age Management Course

Dr. Mohammed while explaining one of the topics |
Al Ain, United Arab Emirates - 2022-12-31
Seasons of change are always associated with specific dates. There is no better change than to pay attention to how one's days are flowing with each passing second, minute, hour, day, and year.
Under the eminent direction of the Consultant Trainer Dr. Mohammed Pedra and the Expert Trainer Mr. Majed bin Afif, ILLAFTrain UAE presented the age management course from December 26 to December 30, 2022, in conjunction with the end of 2022 and in preparation for the start of 2023. This was done in an effort to realize the best end of the year and the best beginning for the new year.
Here are the specifics of the five days of interaction and enthusiasm that Dr. Mohammed and Mr. Majed led to produce outstanding results in the training room:
Day 1: The first day began with learning about time and its value for the participants. This theme focused on time sensitivity, raising its value, and how to maximize it to the benefit of each participant in this training event.
Day 2: Human needs and how to meet them within constraints that ensure that one achieves quality of life were the main topics covered in the second day. As a result, managing priorities and, consequently, managing age in a way that one can meet his requirements were both stressed.
Day 3: The third day arrived, and participants learned about the rules and regulations that gauge a person's quality of life. The quality of the trainee's life would improve and they would be able to maintain control over their daily life without giving in to the sudden changes that can interfere if the trainer concentrated his explanation on the most vital skills and improvements that can influence the course of the individual's life.
Day 4: This day was devoted to reviewing the previous three days so that each participant may come to a conclusion about their own vision and mission.
Day 5: The trainers worked to finish the process they began on Day 4 of learning about each participant's vision and mission so that today could be devoted to setting goals and creating a systematic plan built on solid principles that one could work to attain, assess, and alter as necessary.
On the final day of the training, Dr. Mohammed Pedra, the consultant trainer, and Mr. Majed, the expert trainer, wrote a letter to the participants in which they expressed hope and challenge. They stated that as long as you have an hour to pass in seconds and minutes, you should be aware that your life is passing along with it and that you are the only one who can choose how you will spend it. The training event came to a close in such an interactive setting, and the learners received their certificates of completion.