ILLAFTrain UAE Concludes a Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner Course in Al Ain

Group photo at the end of the course |
Al Ain, United Arab Emirates - 2020-02-20
Emotional Intelligence is now a major factor in determining success in life, rather than just intelligence alone. This is why some high achievers invest their talents in teamwork, developing empathy through volunteer work, and honing their leadership abilities. EQ and IQ are two distinct concepts. Unlike IQ, Emotional Intelligence can be learned and developed, and a large body of research demonstrates that Emotional Intelligence is essential for success.
How wonderful it is for a person to begin realizing all the potentials that improve them and leap with them into the personal and practical spheres of self-management and emotional control.
The "Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner" course was introduced in Al Ain, following the course's tremendous success in its first year, as part of ILLAFTrain UAE desire to organize notable and high-quality courses.
The five training days were packed with learning opportunities, and Dr. Mohammed Pedra, the consultant trainer, delivered the course with his customary sincerity, ensuring that the trainees left with the broadest knowledge and most in-depth skills. Everyone in this course worked hard to improve their Emotional Intelligence, day by day, skill by skill, which set it apart from other courses due to the strength of participants, knowledge, and status.
Beginning with the (BCA®) test, each participant received a report on their 13 Emotional Intelligence skills. The report is a precise tool for identifying strengths and weaknesses so that you can use them to inform your future planning. The report provides the most important guidance on enhancing communication and interpersonal skills as a tool for developing effective and stable skills, as well as the capacity to regulate reactions and harmony in emotional intelligence. It also shows the level of each participant in each skill in terms of diagnosis and development points.
The course then moves on to explain each skill in detail, providing all instructive examples and carrying out all of the practical exercises, with the ultimate goal of improving the participants' Emotional Intelligence skills.
The course revolved around the BrainyCore Emotional Intelligence model, and it is based on four main fields:
- Know yourself: contains four skills.
- Be yourself: contains five skills.
- Know others: contains three skills.
- Invest in Others: contains one skill.
Through knowledge and application, the BrainyCore model has been enhanced with everything that is required on a daily basis. The participants' enthusiasm helps to strengthen the knowledge and the quality of the skills being offered.
The course started with each participant choosing the situations in which they need Emotional Intelligence the most. From there, the daily application of those situations began, day after day. As each participant's Emotional Intelligence increased, the scenarios changed, resulting in a summary of Emotional Intelligence skills.
The scenarios for the course's participants changed as soon as the last day arrived. The previously negative scenario for them now has a fresh appearance, a fresh response, and conveys reassurance. This is what will be translated into reality after the course through daily practices in both the most straightforward and complicated situations.
On course's conclusion day, Mr. Majed Bin Afif, general director of ILLAFTrain UAE, gave a conclusion speech to the audience. He urged them to take advantage of the course and apply what they had learned in real life. He also thanked each participant individually for their contributions, participation, and conversation, which gave the course a unique flavor.
Then ILLAFTrain UAE, represented by its general director, thanked the consultant Dr. Mohammed Pedra for his inspiring and honest presentation, and this is what the participants said, as he laid the foundation for knowledge and skill application for everyone so that they take confident steps to be smart, emotional, and face challenges with the smile of optimists, the joy of those who know, and the skills of the empowered.
The conclusion message to the participants and the gift from ILLAFTrain to them was a "pillow" that aims to make them happy. The value of this precious gift is in its deep meaning that says to everyone: "Sleep peacefully after today!! Your Emotional Intelligence begins now. The decision is yours." At that time, each participant chose their own pillow, and then the certificates were distributed in an atmosphere filled with familiarity and love.
In a setting where deep experiences, knowledge, and intellect were all present under one roof, the course came to a close with memorial photos.