Al Ain, UAE: Exceptional conclusion for the Accelerated Learning Practitioner Course

ILLAFTrain UAEeffectively conducted a Personal Compass course in Al Ain on December and as a continuation of its efforts to produce unique trainers on the training industr...
ILLAFTrain UAE at a Special Course Conclusion for Personal Compass 2024

ILLAFTrain UAEoffered a course titled Age Management in Al Ain City from November to at Ayla Grand Hotel The course comes from its belief that it is important to keep up wi...
ILLAFTrain UAE Concluded a Distinguished Age Management Course in Al Ain

Institutions and governments in the United Arab Emirates place a high priority on sustainable development and the advancement of human resources By providing training tools an...
ILLAfTrain UAE Concludes the Accountability and Results-Focus Course, Led by Expert Trainer Nadia Almheiri

Certified Master Trainer Adnan Alqady started a new thrilling chapter of his learning journey one that was fueled by passion and a firm will to overcome obstacles and challeng...
Success Story: Certified Master Trainer Adnan Alqady Shines with His Master's Degree in Marketing

The trainer Fatima AlKuwari who showed competence and dedication in the training industry has been qualified as an emotional intelligence assessor by brainycore In a noteworth...
Brainycore Congratulate Trainer Fatima Al-Kuwari for Being a Certified EQ Assessor

The recent certification of Adnan Alqady a Master Trainer bybrainycoreas a certified assessor in the Certified Emotional Intelligence Assessor (CEIA) programone of BrainyCores...
Honoring Trainer Adnan Alqady with a New Achievement in Emotional Intelligence with brainycore

Given the quick global growth it is essential for institutions and organizations to raise staff competencies in order to keep up with the latest innovations...
ILLAFTrain Doha: Conclusion of the Certified Professional Trainer Diploma Course Offered for KAHRAMAA in Qatar

Based on the keenness ofILLAFTrainUAE to develop the training industry in the region specifically in the United Arab Emirates and as an extension of the permanent cooperation ...
ILLAFTrain-UAE, in cooperation with the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department, and the conclusion of the Certified Professional Trainer Diploma course

ILLAFTrainUAEis eager to keep up with changes and contemporary training requirements in the Arab world specifically in the United Arab Emirates Also the speakers professional ...
ILLAFTrain UAE completed the Professional Skills for Speakers Course in collaboration with Abu Dhabi Pension Fund

We live in a world that is constantly changing and moving quickly especially during this rapid technological development As a result the skills and competencies required of le...
ILLAFTrain UAE celebrates the distinguished conclusion of the Women Leaders Empowerment course in Al Ain

The Master Trainer Hamad Al-Shammari Obtained a Master's Degree in Local Development from the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies

Most peoples dreams revolve around success which is what everyone aspires to Without it life is incomplete and meaningless and one is on par with losers who havent accomplishe...
We Congratulate Miss Arwa Zughair for Joining ILLAFTrain and Achieving the Certified Trainer Rank

One of the most important aspects of success and happiness in life is having emotional intelligence skills which include the capability of identifying and controlling ones emo...
A certified emotional intelligence practitioner course is completed by ILLAFTrain UAE in Abu Dhabi

The only constant truth in the universe is that nothing remains constant Life comes from change man is bound to change and the first step in mans change is to change his thoug...
How to Make Change?... ILLAFTrain UAE and the Closure of NLP Course Series

Seasons of change are always associated with specific dates There is no better change than to pay attention to how ones days are flowing with each passing second minute hour d...