Al Ain, UAE: Exceptional conclusion for the Accelerated Learning Practitioner Course
Al Ain, UAE: Exceptional conclusion for the Accelerated Learning Practitioner Course
Dubai Accelerated Learning Center and ILLAFTrain UAE held the exceptional Accelerated Learning Practitioner Course in the presence of many teachers, leaders, and managers from various institutions and government entities in the United Arab Emirates. All the attendees had the same goal of achieving the highest learning and training quality in various fields. The course took five training days at the Ayla Grand Hotel in Al Ain, from the 11th to the 16th of February 2024.
Al Ain, UAE: Exceptional conclusion for the Accelerated Learning Practitioner Course
Dubai Accelerated Learning Center and ILLAFTrain UAE held the exceptional Accelerated Learning Practitioner Course in the presence of many teachers, leaders, and managers from various institutions and government entities in the United Arab Emirates. All the attendees had the same goal of achieving the highest learning and training quality in various fields. The course took five training days at the Ayla Grand Hotel in Al Ain, from the 11th to the 16th of February 2024.
USA, Merrillville: A seminar with Trainer Muhammad Pedra entitled “An Invitation to Think”
Trainer Tony Peter General Manager of ILLAFTrain Khartoum and General Manager of ILLAFTrain Abu Dhabi launched his NLP course to be the first ILLAFTrain course to be held in t...
UAE, Abu Dhabi: Launching ILLAFTrain Courses in UAE
Engineer Trainer Bassil Alnassar closed his successful Art of Negotiations course in the premises of ILLAFTrain Lattakia The courses consisted of four training days that inclu...
Syria, Lattakia: Trainer Bassil Alnassar closes the Art of Negotiations Course
Under the patronage of the governor of Biskra State and in response to the invitation issued by Mr Ahmad Hloul president of the Rawafid scientific and cultural society and in...
Lattakia, Syria: Closing the Hypnosis Course By Trainer Ali Sulieman Aal Alamir (From KSA)
Trainer Alaa Bazo closed his successful Art of Sales Course that lasted for five training days Enrolled in this course was a distinctive group of young ambitious people from d...
Closing the Art of Sales course by trainer Alaa Bazo. Lattakia, Syria.
Mr Pedra holds a certificate as an Accelerated Learning Facilitator awarded to him by the Center for Accelerated Learning after completing the Accelerated Learning Training Me...
Algeria – Laghouat : Al Sohoob Radio Station interviews trainer Douha Fattahi twice.
The first Algerian trainer who trains ILLAFTrain programs in Syria has visited this country in order to conduct two courses in Time Management and Learning ExcellenceHer plane...
Syria- Damascus: Aisha Laznak visits the world's oldest capital
For the first time in Laghouat and in the region A course in Reciting Holly Quran was conducted by Trainer Douha Faffahi A large number of trainees was enrolled in this course...
Algeria- Laghouat: A Course in Reciting Holy Quran closes with trainer Douha Fattahi
A multiplicity of training courses in the city of Aghwat were held by Douha FatahiHow to memorize the Holy Quran was the title of the main course given by Ms Fattahi To our su...
Algeria, Aghwat: In Aghwat a multiplicity of training courses are held
Mr Tony Peters the general manager of ILLAFTrain Khartoum has been to London for a week during which he has appointed Ms Maria Steleandes as ILLAFTrain programs coordinator in...
ILLAFTrain Khartoum: Recently, ILLAFTrain Khartoum Enters British Markets
Mr Peter has arrived to Khartoum after a journey to the United Kingdom during which he attend the annual meeting of the British Institution for Learning and Development The me...
Britain-London: Tony Peter attends the annual meeting of the British Institute for learning and Development.
On September th trainer Aisha Zink closes her outstanding Time management course in AghwatAlgeria It is worthy to mention that interactivity between trainers and the all aspec...