An ICT was launched on Saturday at Millennium Hotel under the sponsorship of Doha Youth Center with cooperation of ILLAFTrain Center and Dubai Accelerated Learning Center The ...
Qatar – Doha: The launching of ICT at Millennium Hotel under the sponsorship of "Doha Youth" for the first time

Indiana State started from till The audience was harmonized mostly Arabs including doctors teachers and intellectuals The trainer said Accelerated Learning Techniques were us...
USA - Crown Point : concluding ILLAFTrain second course in USA.

Two seminars have been set for analyzing and promoting marketing as well as for establishing ILLAFTrain first franchise in USA The first seminar entitled a call for thinking a...
USA-Chicago: for the first time, ILLAFTrain trainers are in USA

Accelerated learning in its essence is an entirely new concept to the Arab World This concept has very limited familiarity To help spread the idea it has to be introduced to t...
USA - Georgia: Co-operation agreement between Dubai Center for Accelerated learning and the International Alliance for Learning

Rabat hosted the first conference for training and trainers under the title Training and TrainersReality and Development Potential in AlManzah Palace on the th of Sep...
Morocco - Rabat: Rabat hosts the first Certified Trainers Conference

Within a line of sight from the borders of Spain Tangiers hosted the first course of its kind in the Kingdom of Morocco to graduate Certified Trainers by ILLAFTrain in ILLAFTr...
Morocco – Tangiers: The first Training course for ILLAFTrain Certified Trainer in Morocco is held in Tangiers

Mr Talwa Talked with ILLAFTrainRabat about ILLAFTrain Certified Trainer Course which took place in Tangiers Morocco June Jul...
Morocco – Rabat: An interview with Mr. Ibrahim Talwa at the end of ILLAFTrain Certified Trainer Course

At Am on August the th of The Accelerated Learning workshop started in Alain in the (LOU LOU) Lobby of ROTANA Hotel This Course was planned in cooperation with ILLAFTrain Ab...
United Arab Emirates - Alain: Dubai Accelerated Learning Center starts its first Course in the UAE

ILLAFTrainDubai will launch its new website next week with its new types and system to compete the largest international websites of the major training companies This change i...
UAE - Dubai: the launch of the new ILLAFTrain website

The motto of the st century is change as everything is changing What we need in training a year later we need it next week Training experts always have to cope with the consta...
UAE - Dubai: ILLAFTrain announces the launch of "Dubai center for Accelerated Learning"

On at am the Accelerated Learning Workshop started in Damascus at the Oscar Hall in the Fordos Tower Hotel Trainees came to attend this workshop from Sudan Algeria Iraq and ...
Syria-Damascus: Dubai Accelerated Learning Center Launches its workshop in Damascus

Through the previous years ILLAFTrain trainers were busy travelling around the Arab countries to present their training expertise It is well known that although all Arab count...
The Trainer Care Unit at ILLAFTrain launches a new service: The Other Dialect

Within the implementation of its strategic plan ILLAFTrain has launched the newest and most important member of the ILLAFTrain family ILLAFTrainDubai Besides playing its natu...

The fourth course for ILLAFTrainChicago ended Sunday April th This was the third course in NLP (Neuro linguistic programming) to be conducted in the US by ILLAFTrain The cou...
USA, Crown Point, Indiana: The conclusion of the fourth course by ILLAFTrain-Chicago

With a great success ILLAFTrainChicago came to life on April The reception was attended by prominent figures among the Arab American community in the area Dr Muhannad Riad A...