Syria - Damascus: NLP diploma trip plane number 777 flying led by Captain Ahmad Kheir al-Sadi and his assistant trainer Yousef Dawara

trainer Yousef Dawara and trainer Ahmad Kheir al-Sadi (Left) |
July 2nd 2012 this day is a historic day witnessed by Damascus because during this day the NLP represented by trainer Ahmad Kheir al-Sadi signed with accelerated learning represented trainer Yousef Dawara a special contract which is a partnership for training the NLP diploma course using acc
Where the two trainers led the NLP aircraft in this day from Damascus airport for accelerated learning through several enjoyable stations they carried out on this wonderful and funny and interesting trip and by the grace of God almighty and generosity the NLP 777 plane landed and returned from its trip in 7 - 6 - 2012 in Damascus airport for accelerated learning knowing that the trip lasted for 6 days and 4 hours per day, of course, as we previously mentioned that the plane (course) led (facilitated it) by the Captain (advanced trainer) Ahmad Kheir al-Sadi and helped him (facilitated it also) and lead it (trainer) Yousef Dawara. The course was marked by the interesting journey made by the trainees on board of rapid airlines... Where trainees received their passports before going to the airport on the first day, and following sounds began to spread across the entry of airport hall: To download the audio file and use it you can click here. When the passengers wanted to weigh their bags: sound came again: "attention... the passengers on the rapid airlines flight No. 777 heading to " where you want to "should speed up the bags check-weight procedures... please passengers on flight 777 write your goals and wishes from this trip... and go directly to Aladdin Jinn and paste their goals near the lamp " When passing on a security barrier to put the exit seal: voice came "attention... travelers on the rapid airlines flight No. 777 heading to " where you want to " should accelerate finishing security procedures... please go to the passport inspectors… passengers on flight 777 please write the obstacles that stand in front of your goals and wishes from this trip... and go immediately after that to the security officer to get the exit seal... and head straight to the gate No. 7 ...” Photo gallery: "entrance the plane and passports sealing." ”Learning planes": The trainer asked the passengers to write down their goals on the "learning planes", and put obstacles on the "Clouds". Then urged them to find ways to remove the obstacles. Photo gallery: "learning planes." After entering the plane: sound came "welcome on the airlines for quick flying... now a members of the cabin crew will provide you with the safety instructions... please listen and pay attention to the instructions... (where the trainer explained the charter of the course)... " Before quitting: sound came " captain assistant with you, we apologize for the delay in the taking-off... that was because of safety and security procedures that ensure your safety... moments and we will start taking off... just waiting for permission from the control tower... we hope everyone to tighten their belts. .. and to return the seats to their basic position... and we hope to fold the tables... and put all what you have in the upper cabinet... or under the seats... crew members will pass you to make sure that your commitment with the safety guidelines is ok "then the captain began with an overview of the course... The trip started (course) Here's some of what was happening during it: "Distinctive theatrical presentation After completing trainer Ahmad Kheir al-Sadi talking about the emergence of neuro-linguistic programming the trainees take the roles of all the founders and presented the emergence of programming in the form o meaningful, beautiful and interesting play during which we learned how the NLP started. Photo gallery: "distinctive theatrical presentation." There are four major successive stages must be clarified in the learning process, named as: No skill in the unconscious, not skill in awareness, skill in awareness, skill in the unconscious. This is done through exercise: "Get rid off your colleague fastener." Photo gallery: “the ladder of learning". And at the beginning of the last day, an organized terrorist group hijacked an airplane, where the terrorists’ leader voice started: “Khafif Al Baltagi is speaking… telling you all to stay still on their seats… we’ve hijacked the airplane… and you are all hostages… we have some requests that must be obeyed immediately or else… my boys will pass by you to give you our requests… that must be execute immediately … or else” Where the trainer tested the trainees through catching butterflies exercise... After the success of trainees in this test the plane was released where the sound came, “welcome again… this is the co-pilot… telling everyone that the hijackers disappeared… and according to my personal information that when they saw what you presented… I don’t know what happened to them… they immediately headed to the back door of the furniture store… and they jumped for parachute landing… however: I welcome you again… onboard of the Express Airlines… and we are at a height of 40000 feet… and it’s temperate outside, and we’ve passed most of the way, and there is nothing much left… we expect reaching our destination at 4 pm… where the temperature would be fun… and the weather too… please don’t hesitate requesting anything from the crew... To download and use the audio file click here. Photo gallery: "catching butterflies." Working in groups: Of course, featured in this course is teamwork and within groups and peer learning and this learning is the best in the accelerated learning. Landing at "laundry spreading” station Trainees were tested by the representative systems physiology through laundry spreading exercise were trainees divided into two groups and handed a paper clothes that contains information concerning the four patterns (visual, sensory, auditory and digital) and they have been asked to spread the laundry (characteristics of each pattern) on the clothesline specified for that pattern. Where there is a relationship between the favorable representative system for the person and between his body, and his breathing and voice pattern. These properties (except for the body) may be temporarily changed when the person enters in a different pattern. A visual person, for example, can appear sensory... and so on. Photo Gallery: “laundry spreading ". Landing at "calibration technique” station: Calibration: is monitoring the physiological changes that occur to people when they transfer from one state of mind to another state of mind, for the use of such changes to deduce his state of mind later, where calibration is done by sight, smell and hearing. Photo gallery: "calibration technique." Within a station of five rules for self programming trainer Ahmad Kheir al-Sadi asked trainees to write five negative messages each trainee suffers from on a red paper and asked them to crash this paper and turning it to a very very small papers and to go and through it in a nearer rubbish, but trainees refused and threw it away in a large garbage container near the center. Of course on the other hand and after throwing the negative messages and got rid of them they were asked to write a five personal positive messages on colored paper differs from the color of the negative messages and asked them to keep it. Photo gallery: "get rid of the negative messages around you." This station is one of the most beautiful stations in this journey where trainees were tested in some of the course materials through the questions placed behind Aljora Roses and also behind the lily wild flowers where trainees were divided into two groups and the competence began on speed in picking their flowers. Photo Gallery: Landing over fields of flowers and roses: Landing at: "Excellence Cycle Technique" station Excellence Cycle Technique considered on of the most important techniques in NLP. Photo gallery: "Excellence Cycle Technique" Last stations on the final day of the trip (course): Final exam through the festive hats popping questions balloons exercise At accelerated learning trainees should be tested in the final day through kinetic games and we have been dedicated to this day about 25 question concerning the course for each group and were placed in the balloons that have two colors green and gold and were hanged on Arbor (scaffold: intersecting ropes). Where the head festive hats are placed on the head (there is a pin at the top of each hat) and by a jump from the trainee toward the balloon it will pops and the question will land, and so on until the finishing of all questions... Of course, the team that finish all answers to the questions first will be the winner... Where the participation of trainer M.azzam alkasim in testing the trainees in addition to trainer Ahmad Kheir al-Sadi have a significant impact to all trainees. Photo gallery: "festive hats popping questions balloons exercise" "Entrance to the free market In each flight you must enter the free market to buy some gifts have so the trainees bought gifts from course market by the points they have accumulated through exercises which they won. Photo gallery": Entrance to the free market The best passport reward: At the last day the top five passports that contain important information presented in the course were rewarded by 100$ for each passport This is the real celebration... where kites cards were distributed so that the travelers can write their personal benefit from the course and how they will apply what they have learned in their practical lives... a achievement planes were so beautiful when flying in the sky, especially when travelers gathered to share their achievements and read what they have reached to... Moments were full of enthusiasm, achievement and motivation... Especially when the captain thanked each of them: These planes are for all... their cooperation planes... and their fun... And their return to their childhood Receipt of the certificate is the real celebration for each trainee and especially as it documented the presence of this very special course, so, joy and happiness was fill the faces of the trainees after they received the result of their efforts in this journey, which a testimony from the leader ILLAFTrain. And also we do not forget thanks to trainer M.azzam alkasim in his participation in distribution of these certificates. Photo gallery: "the distribution of certificates." The most beautiful thing in life to give a friend or someone you do not know a gift that express your love to him to take advantage of the some subject and here the trainees at the end of the course brought gifts for the coming trainees in the next course and wrote on it what they have learned from the course with some tips for them... Actually these gifts were expressive and very, very beautiful... Event End Party: This surprise that we enjoyed in it very much, in which the trainees introduced the most delicious foods and sweets that they made with their hands and expressed their joy in the course and it was an expression and real reflection of their satisfaction with this beautiful and useful course. Some trainee’s comments on achievement planes: Enaam shama’a (College of media): I have summarized my full conviction with a few words: it is nice to come to life... but the most beautiful is to consolidate it by a fingerprint that its echo still after its going. I'll be distinctive... I will be as my will impose not what the conditions and events impose... I didn’t and I will not make hasty decisions on others and I will understand my mental program and the others programs. I will invest the NLP with its different levels to achieve my goals deservedly... Believing in me... with my goal... and with my God … Samer Sabbagh (the head of equipments department at Al Shifa company): This course taught me a lot of things, including: Real teamwork... Focus... Thinking out of the ordinary... but the most important thing I have benefited from is: If you do not get the result from what you do then do something else. Omar Rifai (graduate of Business Administration): This course was a turning point in my life I learned wonderful information in it and knew a great people and opened in front of me wider areas of progress in the science of NLP towards the summit and to add positive things if possible. Rania Alganawati (pronunciation teacher): In this course and have put the bolds outlines for many of my goals... my relationships with people around me have improved highly to the better. I learned that the initiative is the way to success and that there is no thing impossible under the sun and that as long as I am alive, I will continue to learn and every problem has many solutions... I learned that team work in a unique ..distinctive... productive... and builds bridges for individuals communications (distinctive = distinctive community). Ola Obeid (English language teacher school and educational supervisor): The course added a lot to including self-regulation - to absorb the other – positivity and how to maintain it – organizing a fishing scheme for the life and I hope to achieve it... Many thanks to trainer Ahmad al-Sadi and trainer Yousef Dawara with all good wishes for them. Rozanne Subhi Hamada (College Media fourth year): The most beautiful thing in life is to win friends and I got 23 friends during one week... I learned that nothing is impossible... And I can but even I will reach... I learned from Mr. Ahmad diligence and the persistence and from Mr. Yousef the continuous pursuit to achieve the goal ... I learned that we are all one, although the difference force... Razan Alsallakh: This course was very great... filled with incentives to the forward... A refined style of teaching and training... it taught me how to deal with things in a bright and positive way... it taught me not to judge quickly on others... It was very important and really useful turning point to the forward. Ghassan Fakhri al-Hamwi (computer technician): I am Ghassan working to get a degree in economics (marketing)... I learned the true meaning of the Mr. Salim Huss’s phrase "if you lost hope, invent it”. I will not say I will charge my energies and scurry... because I charged it previously and began looking for points of scurrying and I will continue the rest of the courses until reaching to the summit which will not be reached... because I will continue and continue and continue and I will promise my God to harness what I has gained and achieved in the service of the my country and its victory... and I made a goal to enter the diplomatic way. Abdul Rahman Massoti (engineer): Do not feel weak... Always turn toward the first class seats in the success plane in this world... Because you will find an empty seat waiting you surely... Mohammed Yaman Eid (bank financial institute): I learned in this course a lot of things that you I miss before attending it... as lack of planning and organization of time and the absence of my objectives... I suffer a lot of problems, some is bothering me strongly... And most importantly there were problems with my mother, unfortunately, but after I attended the course all my view to the world has changed and I started to see the results of my dealing with my mother and my friends I became pleased with my life and now I have a goal and I felt the pleasure of life and its taste and we who control and lead it and I like to advise you my dear reader who want to follow this course to benefit from all what in the course regarding faith and according to the phrase (bring out the giant who inside you) and I wish to be happy and live in blissful and pleasure... Note: Please pray for the plane owners…
"Ladder of learning":
Landing at: "get rid of the negative messages around you" station:
Landing over fields of flowers and roses:
Achievement planes:
Distribution of certificates:
Gifts and messages for coming trainees: